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central multilink example not building

Hi, All

I am trying the example here ...ncs\v1.9.1\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\central_multilink\ with nRF52833dk_nrf52833 board, however it doesn't build, and saying the  maximum conn number is outside of the valid range of [1. 20]. 

What is the range of CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN? another example says 20, but why this one set it to 62?

Another question, when a central is connected to some peripherals,  is it still able to do scanning?

Thanks you!


  • Another question, when a central is connected to some peripherals,  is it still able to do scanning?

    Yes it is able to scan.

    CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN = 62 is too high value. About 32 is maximum for nrf52

    CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN = 62 is for other board sample

  • Another question, when a central is connected to some peripherals,  is it still able to do scanning?

    Yes it is able to scan.

    CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN = 62 is too high value. About 32 is maximum for nrf52

    CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN = 62 is for other board sample

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