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Simulataneous ADC sampling

Hello, I am trying to make adc sampling on two adc inputs at the same time. The adc example (simulataneous-adc-sampling-from-two-inputs) is not using IRQ handler and applying some delay, but I really want to sample them at the same time. Here is my code and I am checking with nRF-UART app, it seems like the code doesn't work properly. I am very bad at programming. Please help me figure out the problem.

static void adc_init(void)
	/* Enable interrupt on ADC sample ready event*/		
	sd_nvic_SetPriority(ADC_IRQn, NRF_APP_PRIORITY_LOW);  
	NRF_ADC->CONFIG	= (ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_None << ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_Pos) /* Bits 17..16 : ADC external reference pin selection. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput2 << ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos)					/*!< Use analog input 2 as analog input. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_VBG << ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_Pos)							/*!< Use internal 1.2V bandgap voltage as reference for conversion. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_AnalogInputOneThirdPrescaling << ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_Pos) /*!< Analog input specified by PSEL with no prescaling used as input for the conversion. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_RES_8bit << ADC_CONFIG_RES_Pos);									/*!< 8bit ADC resolution. */ 
	/* Enable ADC*/
	adc_result1 = NRF_ADC->RESULT;

static void adc_init2(void)
	/* Enable interrupt on ADC sample ready event*/		
	sd_nvic_SetPriority(ADC_IRQn, NRF_APP_PRIORITY_LOW);  
	NRF_ADC->CONFIG	= (ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_None << ADC_CONFIG_EXTREFSEL_Pos) /* Bits 17..16 : ADC external reference pin selection. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_AnalogInput6 << ADC_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos)					/*!< Use analog input 2 as analog input. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_VBG << ADC_CONFIG_REFSEL_Pos)							/*!< Use internal 1.2V bandgap voltage as reference for conversion. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_AnalogInputOneThirdPrescaling << ADC_CONFIG_INPSEL_Pos) /*!< Analog input specified by PSEL with no prescaling used as input for the conversion. */
									| (ADC_CONFIG_RES_8bit << ADC_CONFIG_RES_Pos);									/*!< 8bit ADC resolution. */ 
	/* Enable ADC*/
	adc_result2 = NRF_ADC->RESULT;

/* Interrupt handler for ADC data ready event */
void ADC_IRQHandler(void)
	uint8_t adc_result1;
	uint8_t adc_result2;
	/* Clear dataready event */

  /* Write ADC result both to the UART and over BLE */
//	adc_result = NRF_ADC->RESULT;
	ble_nus_send_string(&m_nus, &adc_result1, 1);
	ble_nus_send_string(&m_nus, &adc_result2, 1);
	nrf_gpio_pin_toggle(LED_3);        //indicate on LED that the ADC interrupt handler is executing
	//Use the STOP task to save current. Workaround for PAN_028 rev1.5 anomaly 1.
	//Release the external crystal
Parents Reply
  • In the example above, when both of the pins have been sampled, the ADC interrupt handler is entered.

    If you want to start the ADC sampling from a RTC interrupt hanlder instead of directly connecting the RTC with the ADC->START task via PPI, then you could enable the RTC0 interrupt in the following way:

    static void rtc_config(void)
    	NRF_RTC0->PRESCALER = COUNTER_PRESCALER;                   // Set prescaler to a TICK of RTC_FREQUENCY
    	NRF_RTC0->EVTENSET = RTC_EVTENSET_TICK_Msk;                // Enable TICK event			
    	NRF_RTC0->INTENSET = RTC_INTENSET_TICK_Msk;		    //Enable RTC interrupt on TICK event
    	NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC0_IRQn);						    //Enable RTC interrupt
    	NRF_RTC0->TASKS_START = 1;                                               // Start RTC0

    And then you would define the RTC0 interrupt handler like this:

    void RTC0_IRQHandler(void)
        NRF_RTC0->EVENTS_TICK = 0;
        NRF_ADC->TASKS_START = 1;
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