nRF9160 SLM documentation seems to be inconsistent

The Socket AT commands documentation found here does not match the actual responses we're getting when we the run the commands on the modem through LTE Link Monitor application

As shown in the screenshot above, the response of command "AT#XSOCKET=1,1,0" is "#XSOCKET: 0,1,6"

According to the documentation, the response for the set command has the following syntax: #XSOCKET: <handle>[,<type>,<protocol>], where a positive handle value indicates that socket opened successfully and a negative value indicates that the socket didn't open. We're however getting 0 as the handle value. The values for type and protocol are correct though.

Secondly, when "AT#XSOCKET?" is run, the response we get is "#XSOCKET: 0,1,0"

According to the documentation, the response for the read command has following syntax: #XSOCKET: <handle>[,<family>,<role>]. A value of 0 as handle clearly means that socket is closed according to the documentation. Which is not the case, as seen in the image, we're were successfully able to use the #XCONNECT command to connect to a TCP server

The SLM version we're using is 1.9.0.

The documentation page we're referring to can be found here. Are we missing something? Is it the correct documentation we're looking at? The page also says "You are looking at the documentation for the latest official release"

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