How to initiate BLE pairing manually


I'm running nRF Connect SDK v1.9.0 on two nRF52840-DK devices, one Peripheral other Central.  
My application requires to initiate pairing, i.e. send pair request, programmatically.

For testing, I created a Peripheral device with a Service and two Characteristics.  
Via nRF Connect Desktop tool and nRF 52840 dongle, I can connect to that device, when connection establishes, it stays in "unencrypted link"  status.  
Then via Desktop tool, I click on "Pair" on the device settings configuration and it does pair with my Peripheral and gets into "encrypted link" mode. 
I want to accomplish same thing with my other nRF52840-DK device  which is in Central role.

Is there a way to initiate pair request manually ?   I couldn't see an API call for that.
All comments/hints are greatly appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Could it be the environment you are testing this in? BT_HCI_ERR_CONN_FAIL_TO_ESTABLISH will happen from time to time. It means the peripheral did not respond to the connect request (only one request is sent per connect attempt) and that the central have to retry. It is normal for this error to happen from time time, but it can also occur quite frequently if there is lots of noise or interference from other nearby sources, for instance, active scanning from other BLE devices.
