Azure IoT Hub Library with OpenThread

Hello Everyone,

We are working on a new product using the nrf52840 and OpenThread.Our current product uses the Azure IoT Hub and we were wondering if we could use the library used by the nrf91.

According to Didrik in a post on Devzone It should be possible to use this library to connect to the Azure IoT Hub.

I have set up a Thread network and added a route for the NAT64 interface. I am able to use the NAT64 interface as a DNS server to get a IPv6 address synthesized from the well-known-prefix and the IPv4 address.

I've done this using the OpenThread CLI example from the nRF Connect SDK.

I've created a project and I've included the Azure IoT Hub library. It runs but is unable to get a ip address for the provided domain.

I've looked at the Azure IoT Hub code and it uses getaddrinfo to get a ip address from a hostname.

What would be the best way to proceed? I can see the OpenThread CLI example uses a different method to retrieve the ip address from the DNS. Is there a way to configure a DNS server used by getaddrinfo?

Parents Reply Children
  • Debugging shows the DNS_EAI_CANCELED is the result of a timeout.

    I'm also getting a timeout using the OpenThread specific DNS API's

    #include <openthread/dns_client.h>
    void ot_dns_response(otError aError, const otDnsAddressResponse *aResponse, void *aContext)
    	char address_string[OT_IP6_ADDRESS_STRING_SIZE];
    	otIp6Address address;
    	uint32_t ttl;
    	// Fails with error 28
    	// [00:00:19.219,787] <inf> net_l2_openthread: State changed! Flags: 0x00000200 Current role: 3
    	// [00:00:21.184,112] <err> coap_server: ot_dns_response failed 28
    	if (aError == OT_ERROR_NONE)
    		uint16_t index = 0;
    		LOG_INF("ot_dns_response Success");
    		while (otDnsAddressResponseGetAddress(aResponse, index, &address, &ttl) == OT_ERROR_NONE)
    			otIp6AddressToString(&address, address_string, sizeof(address_string));
    			LOG_INF("ip: %s, TTL:%u ", address_string, ttl);
    		LOG_ERR("ot_dns_response failed %d", aError);
    otDnsQueryConfig config;
    const otDnsQueryConfig *current_config;
    void set_ot_dns_config(void)
    	otError error;
    	current_config = otDnsClientGetDefaultConfig(ot_context->instance);
    	memcpy(&config, current_config, sizeof(otDnsQueryConfig));
    	config.mNat64Mode = OT_DNS_NAT64_ALLOW;
    	config.mRecursionFlag = OT_DNS_FLAG_RECURSION_DESIRED;
    	config.mMaxTxAttempts = 2;
    	config.mResponseTimeout = 1000;
    	config.mServerSockAddr.mPort = 53;
    	error = otIp6AddressFromString("FDAA:BB:1::2", &config.mServerSockAddr.mAddress);
    	if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE)
    		LOG_ERR("otIp6AddressFromString failed %d", error);
    	otDnsClientSetDefaultConfig(ot_context->instance, &config);
    	current_config = otDnsClientGetDefaultConfig(ot_context->instance);
    void resolve_ot_dns(void)
    	otError error;
    	error = otDnsClientResolveAddress(ot_context->instance, "", &ot_dns_response, ot_context->instance, &config);
    	if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE)
    		LOG_ERR("ot_dns_response resolve_dns %d", error);

    Thanks for your suggestions. I'm going to try and increase logging and let you know. Any suggestion to which NET component I should set to debug logging?
