Cannot connect to T-Mobile NB-IoT on NRF9160


I have been trying to connect to T-Mobile's NB-IoT network using a NRF9160DK with a Twilio Narrowband sim, but have been unsuccessful so far. I have been able to successfully run applications on LTE connections using both a Twilio sim on T-Mobile's network as well as with an iBasis sim, but when I switch to NB-IoT it does not work properly. I am located in northern VA near DC and T-Mobile does have NB-IoT coverage here.

I was looking over past threads and found this one:, which seems to conclude that T-Mobile does not allow Nordic boards to connect to their network. However that was 2 years ago.

Does anyone know if T-Mobile allows Nordic boards to connect to their NB-IoT network, and if not are there any other services in the US that work for NB-IoT?


  • Hi Luke,

    It looks like the network rejects the connection. I need to check with our local FAE who will be back this tuesday to learn more about the situation.

    Talk to your later.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Luke,

    Just want to confirm one thing. From the modem trace, I found the following information. According to LTE Release Causes - Telecompedia, it means Twilio network does not allow the device to connect. Can you confirm it isn't just a regular 4G sim card or others that do not give access to the NB-IoT network? I suppose you understand the difference, NB-IoT needs a specific sim card with a specific profile. There are not many things that can be done on the nrf9160 side. It also would be great if you can test with an NB-IoT sim card directly from T-mobile.

    +CNEC_EMM: 11
    +CNEC_EMM: 6
    Cause #6 – Illegal ME
    Cause #11 – PLMN not allowed

    I am still waiting for the return of the local FAE.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Luke,

    Here are the comments from our local FAE.

    Ibasis doesn't support NB.
    I don't have a TMO SIM. We did pass certification on both LTE M and NB. That tells me NB is working.
    It is unlikely the major mvno's support NB. I believe Vodafone supports NB. 
    The MVNO's didn't think NB was mature enough for them to negotiate for.

    Maybe you can reach Vodafone if you do need to use the NB-IoT network.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Luke,

    Here are the comments from our local FAE.

    Ibasis doesn't support NB.
    I don't have a TMO SIM. We did pass certification on both LTE M and NB. That tells me NB is working.
    It is unlikely the major mvno's support NB. I believe Vodafone supports NB. 
    The MVNO's didn't think NB was mature enough for them to negotiate for.

    Maybe you can reach Vodafone if you do need to use the NB-IoT network.

    Best regards,

