I'm just learning the nRF stack and development environment, hopefully this question is not too basic. Our product requires the usage of the extended data length packet in order to achieve the throughput performance we require.
I was wondering if a specific example exists that uses the extended data packet feature? I have been working with the basic "peripheral" example since it has some usage of vendor specific services and characteristics.
One other related question. In looking through the developer zone I found reference to someone using extended data length packets, and they included the following defines in their config file:
Maximum supported ACL size for outgoing data (BT_BUF_ACL_TX_SIZE)
Maximum supported ACL size for incoming data (BT_BUF_ACL_RX_SIZE)
Maximum supported HCI Event buffer length (BT_BUF_EVT_RX_SIZE)
Maximum support HCI Command buffer length (BT_BUF_CMD_TX_SIZE)
Maximum supported L2CAP MTU for L2CAP TX buffers (BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU)