I'm using ble_app_uart_c project in nRF5 SDK 17.1 with SES.
I got 2 different devices, one is ARC EM9D AIoT DK(as Peripheral) and another is nRF52840(as Central).
I was confused about how to access the Read/Write service from the GATT table.
I checked the functionality of ARC EM9D AIoT DK with "BLE Scanner" in my phone, as below.
I thought the functionality was very similar to ble_app_uart & ble_app_uart_c, so I changed the NUS_BASE_UUID in ble_nus_c.h as below.
My problem is the UUID of the service and R/W characteristics are not continuous in ARC EM9D AIoT DK, but it is continuous in nRF52840 as below.
So what part should I edit in ble_app_uart_c? Or is there any project fit my case?
Any advices will be highly appreciated.
If you need any other information, please let me know.
Thank you so much.