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Single Slot MCUboot and Netcore update

Hi again,

A small edit to make this clear:
Is it possible to update netcore using a single slot setup

After asking on another thread regarding something similar Simon suggested to open a new ticket regarding this question since the last ticket answering this is quite old (and maybe not available anymore?)

We are currently trying to make our application to update the netcore app section using a single slot boot loader (mcu).

We can successfully put our board on serial recovery and update our firmware. Everything up to here is fine.

We also know there are some limitations using single slot in case we would like to make a FOTA sometime in the future.

As a starting point we are using the knowledge we got for a previous ticket plus the sample of BT serial peripheral.

Currently we are getting an error regarding an error of not declared sizes during:

[282/290] Generating ../../zephyr/net_core_app_update.bin
FAILED: zephyr/net_core_app_update.bin 
cmd.exe /C "cd /D C:\Users\xxx\wrks\uart_lbe_mcuboot\build\modules\mcuboot && C:\Users\xxx\ncs\v1.9.1\toolchain\opt\bin\arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe --input-target=ihex --output-target=binary --gap-fill=0xff C:/Users/xxx/wrks/uart_lbe_mcuboot/build/hci_rpmsg/zephyr/signed_by_b0_app.hex C:/Users/xxx/wrks/uart_lbe_mcuboot/build/zephyr/net_core_app_to_sign.bin && C:\Users\xxx\ncs\v1.9.1\toolchain\opt\bin\python.exe C:/Users/xxx/ncs/v1.9.1/bootloader/mcuboot/scripts/ sign --key C:/Users/dnin/ncs/v1.9.1/bootloader/mcuboot/root-rsa-2048.pem --header-size 0x200 --align 4 --version 0.0.0+0 --pad-header --slot-size  C:/Users/xxx/wrks/uart_lbe_mcuboot/build/zephyr/net_core_app_to_sign.bin C:/Users/xxx/wrks/uart_lbe_mcuboot/build/zephyr/net_core_app_update.bin"
Try ' sign -h' for help.

Error: Invalid value for '-S' / '--slot-size': C:/Users/xxx/wrks/uart_lbe_mcuboot/build/zephyr/net_core_app_to_sign.bin is not a valid integer. Please use code literals prefixed with 0b/0B, 0o/0O, or 0x/0X as necessary.

I reckon if we can make this work than everything should go according to plan.

External flash is currently not an option.

Currently we are on SDK 1.9.1 and VScode or native west tools (we do not mind Smiley)

As always any kind of help is highly appreciated,
Also I owe a lot of people a lot of beers here.


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