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What about the actual FLASH support in nRF Connect SDK?

I'm working on the sample ncs\v1.9.1\zephyr\samples\subsys\usb\mass to create a device featured by USB Mass Storage with FLASH memory.

Since I found only old threads about it based on the old SDKs, I have simple question :

Which kind of FLASH are supported by the nRF Connect SDK v1.9.1? Does nRF Connect SDK v1.9.1 supports QSPI for NAND flash or it supports only NOR?

  • Hi

    The nRF Connect SDK is designed to support the QSPI peripheral, and our QSPI peripheral does not support XIP or EasyDMA on a NAND flash. It may be able to run custom instructions, but that removes most benefits of using QSPI. More than anything the NAND flash is not well suited to interface with our QSPI. In practice the QSPI only supports NOR flash device.

    Best regards,


  • Does it mean that if I want to use SPI interface instead the NAND are supported?

  • Hi

    Not supported, but there is no reason it should not work if you set it up properly to use the correct custom instructions. Also, you will miss out on most of the features (like high speed) if you're using a NAND as you won't be able to get very high throughput with only issuing custom instructions. You'll also be left to your own devices as we won't be able to help you set this up.

    Best regards,

