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[nRF Connect SDK]Sometimes DFU failed to update binary without confirm.

Target nRF52832(nrf52dk_nrf52832)
SDK NCS v1.9.1

I have trouble with DFU.
I could implement SMP server into my project according to your guide.
(+) Add DFU support to your application - Software - nRF Connect SDK guides - Nordic DevZone (

My target goes to DFU mode when I received command from remote MCU via UART. (advertise SMP UUID)
I could update ota.bin using Android  nRF Connect Device Manager app

The problem is the End stage of DFU, it is necessary to reset once and confirm it.
But My project is require to enter DFU mode manually.

I'm not sure if I have to confirm it. Sometimes I could update binary without confirm.
So please make sure if I have to have confirm state. It seems that I have to confirm it according to following link.
SMP Server Sample — Zephyr Project Documentation (

If I have to have confirm state, how can I get reset reason? In this case, I goes to DFU mode automatically.
I believe you already have know-how.

Thanks in advance.

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