k_work_poll_submit seems to never submit the work.

I was trying to schedule a work item when a struct k_poll_signal is raised by an interrupt, but was unable to get the work to happen. I could tell that the k_work_poll_submit function was completing without error (0), same for k_poll_signal_raise. 

So I have the following relevant data, and initialized:

typedef struct
        struct k_poll_signal UTCDone;
    } PollSignals;
    struct k_work_poll UTCReadWork;
} AppStatus_t;

AppStatus_t AppStatus;

struct k_poll_event UTCEvents[1];

void APP_Init(void)
    k_work_poll_init(&AppStatus.UTCReadWork, SendUTCToLT);
    k_poll_event_init(&UTCEvents[1], K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL,K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY,

The following functions modify these structures. App_ScheduleUTCResponse is called from I2C Slave interrupt if the I2C master has requested the UTC time before it is ready. APP_RegisterUTCData is called when a date time event occurs, and it is not of DATE_TIME_NOT_OBTAINED type. 

void App_ScheduleUTCResponse(void)
    int err = k_work_poll_submit(&AppStatus.UTCReadWork, UTCEvents, 1, K_FOREVER);

    printk("Poll Submit Error: %d\n", err);

void SendUTCToLT(struct k_work *work)



void APP_RegisterUTCData(void)
    int64_t utc;

    int err = k_poll_signal_raise(&AppStatus.PollSignals.UTCDone, 0);

    printk("Poll Signal Err: %d\n", err);

    AppStatus.StateFlags.UTCDataReady = true;


    utc /= 1000;


    time_t rawtime = utc;
    struct tm *timesplit;

    timesplit = localtime(&rawtime);

    printk("Datetime: %s", asctime(timesplit));

I see the "Poll Submit Error: 0" message on the UART, and the "Poll Raised Error: 0" message follows the DATE_TIME_OBTAINED_NTP event message. However the work callback function does not get called at all as far as I can tell. 

I had a few different configurations before, but they caused system faults of some kind or another. This one doesn't result in any faults, but it doesn't finish the loop. I assume I'm just doing something wrong with the moderately opaque apis, but I have no idea what. 

Any help is appreciated!

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