Issues with BLE at higher temperatures

Let me start by saying we have not ruled out other possible sources of errors at this point.  However, right now all the evidence is pointing to an issue with the nRF52840 when we reach between 70-75C.  The product has a high-powered integrated light, hence the heat source.  At 75C we start dimming the light until we reach 85C at which point the dimming would be complete (in theory, we would never reach that point - in the cases where it works it regulates to around 75C).  Unfortunately, around the 72C mark, we start experiencing issues.  In some cases the issues manifest as the part appearing to completely lock up.  However, much more typical is that we lose the BLE connection, which is constantly reporting out the core temperature from the nRF internal sensor to an app running on a phone.  At no other time do we experience connectivity issues.

Again, we could be misinterpreting what we're seeing, but all parts on the board are rated to a minimum operating temp of 85C.  Right now I'm mostly looking for assurances that the BLE radio is good for constant operation up to around 85C.

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