Hello! I use EK42423-03 and 52833-DK
I understand plugging in the SWF connector, Will disconnecting from the PCB antenna and routing the signal to the cable.
LS ->GND ; CTRL -> P0.26 ; GND -> GND ; VDD -> VDD ; J1 RFC -> J1 ANT
First follow this pic.
I added code in nrf52833dk_nrf52833.dts
Using multimeter can measure from RF2 to Refer to the pic.
RF1 = 0Ω
RF2 = 20Ω
But why? EK42423-03 "J1" insert 52833-DK "J1" After Refer to the pic.
RF1 = 0Ω
RF2 = 0Ω
I do not know what is causing.
Sorry, it's been two months and I still can't do it...
But I still hope you can give me advice!
Thanks again for your support.