Dfu Error "Unable to write Op Code 3 (error 133)"


I have a custom board with nRF52840/SDK 16/Softdevice 7.3.0 using Secure Dfu Bootloader. On my Android device I use Nordic Dfu Library. I have tried all available Dfu lib versions from 1.11.0 to 2.0.2.
I've had Dfu up and running for a few months and it has been working fine for most Android devices I have tested so far. However I just recently bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8/Android 11 and the Dfu does not work on this device returning the error 'Unable to write Op Code 3 (error 133)'. Below I will show logs from Android Studio logcat and also from my Peripheral custom board for case 1 (Samsung Galaxy Tab A8/Android 11 ) where Dfu fails and case 2 (Samsung Galaxy S20 FE/Android 12) where Dfu succeeds. I also provide the relevant app code section I use for Dfu. In the app code I have tried different settings, for example setting the PRN value to 1 and increasing the 'preparDataObjectDelay' up to 400.
I am grateful for any tip.

Case 1: Ble Client Samsung TAB A8/Android 11: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2022-05-23 13:38:23.964 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Enabling notifications...
2022-05-23 13:38:23.965 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui D/BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50 enable: true
2022-05-23 13:38:24.995 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Setting object to Command (Op Code = 6, Type = 1)
2022-05-23 13:38:25.056 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Command object info received (Max size = 512, Offset = 0, CRC = 00000000)
2022-05-23 13:38:25.062 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending the number of packets before notifications (Op Code = 2, Value = 0)
2022-05-23 13:38:25.093 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Creating Init packet object (Op Code = 1, Type = 1, Size = 141)
2022-05-23 13:38:25.123 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending 141 bytes of init packet...
2022-05-23 13:38:25.126 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending init packet (Value = 12-8A-01-0A-44-08-01-12-40-08-01-10-34-1A-02-A3-02-20-00-28-00-30-00-38-BC-F0-11-42-24-08-03-12-20-13-5B-83-CD-0F-EC-D5-26-36-5C-AE-0D-5D-71-E8-D5-BD-1B-AD-5E-F0-3C-0D-32-FA-32-07-6F-C0-C4-C5-DC-48-00-52-04-08-01-12-00-10-00-1A-40-00-37-1B-3B-A3-38-02-AA-65-BA-15-04-1A-13-86-C5-F7-2D-D6-87-A9-8E-7C-42-B1-A1-0B-C6-A1-8F-0D-6F-46-89-82-94-9D-17-11-57-4D-37-B9-01-1F-A3-B2-22-55-BA-98-D5-B0-58-01-9C-FD-3A-64-41-29-AA-3F-47)
2022-05-23 13:38:25.138 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending Calculate Checksum command (Op Code = 3)
2022-05-23 13:38:31.124 25812-27285/com.prisma.ui E/DfuImpl: Characteristic write error: 133
2022-05-23 13:38:31.125 25812-27285/com.prisma.ui D/BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=8 clientIf=10 device=C6:5D:74:1E:7D:29
2022-05-23 13:38:31.128 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui E/DfuBaseService: Unable to write Op Code 3 (error 133)
2022-05-23 13:38:31.133 25812-25812/com.prisma.ui D/BleFileTransferActivity: ----- FTBA  DfuProgress->onDeviceDisconnecting
2022-05-23 13:38:31.147 25812-25812/com.prisma.ui I/DfuBaseService: Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED
2022-05-23 13:38:31.153 25812-27285/com.prisma.ui W/DfuBaseService: Target device disconnected with status: 8
2022-05-23 13:38:31.159 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui I/DfuBaseService: Disconnecting from the device...
2022-05-23 13:38:31.159 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui D/BluetoothGatt: cancelOpen() - device: C6:5D:74:1E:7D:29
2022-05-23 13:38:31.175 25812-27662/com.prisma.ui D/BluetoothGatt: refresh() - device: C6:5D:74:1E:7D:29

Ble Peripheral Custom Board nRF52840, SDK 16, softdevice 7.3.0:
main: SoftDevice Firmware Id: 0x123
PR Bootloader 2022.04.06.0
Bootloader start address: 0xF1000

Case 2: Samsung S20 Fe/Android 12: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2022-05-23 13:27:07.244 13883-14153/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending 141 bytes of init packet...
2022-05-23 13:27:07.248 13883-14153/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending init packet (Value = 12-8A-01-0A-44-08-01-12-40-08-01-10-34-1A-02-A3-02-20-00-28-00-30-00-38-BC-F0-11-42-24-08-03-12-20-13-5B-83-CD-0F-EC-D5-26-36-5C-AE-0D-5D-71-E8-D5-BD-1B-AD-5E-F0-3C-0D-32-FA-32-07-6F-C0-C4-C5-DC-48-00-52-04-08-01-12-00-10-00-1A-40-00-37-1B-3B-A3-38-02-AA-65-BA-15-04-1A-13-86-C5-F7-2D-D6-87-A9-8E-7C-42-B1-A1-0B-C6-A1-8F-0D-6F-46-89-82-94-9D-17-11-57-4D-37-B9-01-1F-A3-B2-22-55-BA-98-D5-B0-58-01-9C-FD-3A-64-41-29-AA-3F-47)
2022-05-23 13:27:07.260 13883-14153/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Sending Calculate Checksum command (Op Code = 3)
2022-05-23 13:27:07.292 13883-14153/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Checksum received (Offset = 141, CRC = 742FABE1)
2022-05-23 13:27:07.292 13883-14153/com.prisma.ui I/DfuImpl: Executing init packet (Op Code = 4)

Ble Peripheral Custom Board nRF52840, SDK 16, softdevice 7.3.0:
main: SoftDevice Firmware Id: 0x123
PR Bootloader 2022.04.06.0
Bootloader start address: 0xF1000

Dfu app code section: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
final DfuServiceInitiator starter = new DfuServiceInitiator(device.getAddress())

// If you want to have experimental buttonless DFU feature (DFU from SDK 12.x only!) supported call
// additionally:

// but be aware of this: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
// and other issues related to this experimental service.

// For DFU bootloaders from SDK 15 and 16 it may be required to add a delay before sending each
// data packet. This delay gives the DFU target more time to perpare flash memory, causing less
// packets being dropped and more reliable transfer. Detection of packets being lost would cause
// automatic switch to PRN = 1, making the DFU very slow (but reliable).

// Init packet is required by Bootloader/DFU from SDK 7.0+ if HEX or BIN file is given above.
// In case of a ZIP file, the init packet (a DAT file) must be included inside the ZIP file.
Uri mFileStreamUri = Uri.fromFile(new File(filePath));

starter.setZip(mFileStreamUri, filePath);
controller = starter.start(getApplicationContext(), DfuService.class);
// You may use the controller to pause, resume or abort the DFU process.

  • Hi,

    I notice that there is a lot of retransmissions in the failing trace. Do you by any chance have a log from the nRF side in this case (using the debug bootloader with RTT logging)?

    Other than that nothing sticks out, but I have asked our mobile developers to take a look.

    Edit: Does it always fail on the failing devices, or just from time to time?

  • Hi,

    The clock configuration seems good. Not that it is a point to use LFRC rather than a crystal (quite the opposite), but it was a good test in case there was an issue with the LFXO. Regarding NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL 0 (interrupt) that is no problem, and is what we use in the bootloader examples by default.

    All we know at this point is that communication suddenly fail (packets are no longer successfully transmitted) until there is a supervision timeout. Do you by any chance have access to a professional sniffer, like one of those from Ellisys? If so it would be interesting to see a trace from when it fails with that, in case there are timing related issues. That might not be the problem at all, though..

  • Hi,

    I have no other sniffer than Wireshark + Nordic BLE Dongle.

    When you say the bootloader clock configuration is good, do you refer to the "from" config or the "to" config?
    Which one do you recommend?

    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_ACCURACY 7        // 20 ppm
    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV 0        
    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC 1        // XTAL
    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_TEMP_CTIV 0    

    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV 16

    I will start my summer vacation on Monday, June 13.
    I need to release our software for production now with this known error and release a bugfix release as soon as this is solved.
    I will keep checking updates to this case and might be able do some quick tests if you have any ideas.

    Would it be possible for you to get hold of a Samsung Tab A8 with Unisoc chipset like I have and try to reproduce the problem on your side?
    I think that might be the best way to make progress at this stage.

  • Hi,

    Roland B said:
    When you say the bootloader clock configuration is good, do you refer to the "from" config or the "to" config?

    Both really, the main point is that with two different clock sources used you see the same issue. So that makes it less likely that this is an issue related to that.

    Roland B said:
    Would it be possible for you to get hold of a Samsung Tab A8 with Unisoc chipset like I have and try to reproduce the problem on your side?

    I am looking into that. In case I am able to get hold of one, can you check if you are able to reproduce the issue you are seeing on a DK? If you can do it with a bootloader example from a specific SDK version, then please let me know which. If not, can you upload a project here that you need to see the issue?

  • Hi,
    Our 52840 BLE Peripheral board is connected to a host board via a serial link and also with discrete signals. This host board is part of the dfu process in the way that it is notified when a dfu is requested from the Android device and also when a dfu is complete and is also checking disctrete signals to determine if the 52840 board is in bootloader or application state. So I can not easily make test on a DK now.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "If not, can you upload a project here that you need to see the issue?", can you please rephrase that?

  • Hi,

    Roland B said:
    I'm not sure what you mean by "If not, can you upload a project here that you need to see the issue?", can you please rephrase that?

    The key point is that if I am able to obtain a Samsung Tab A8 I need a setup that can reproduce the issue. That is why I wondered if 1) you can provide a setup that reproduce this based on your modified bootloader (with necessary adaptations to run on a DK), or 2) test a DK with a SDK bootloader and see if you can reproduce there (potentially adding parts of your bootloader to see if that is needed to make it fail).

  • Hi,

    Roland B said:
    I'm not sure what you mean by "If not, can you upload a project here that you need to see the issue?", can you please rephrase that?

    The key point is that if I am able to obtain a Samsung Tab A8 I need a setup that can reproduce the issue. That is why I wondered if 1) you can provide a setup that reproduce this based on your modified bootloader (with necessary adaptations to run on a DK), or 2) test a DK with a SDK bootloader and see if you can reproduce there (potentially adding parts of your bootloader to see if that is needed to make it fail).
