Is it possible to make the nRF5340 IC transmit a CW ?


Is it possible to make the nRF5340 IC transmit a CW ?

BR Per

Parents Reply
  • Hi I have some additional questions.

    Q1: Is the (TX) CW, a normal CW (pure sine tone) or is it a burst'ed CW ?

    Q2: Can the CW be used to estimate the TX RF transmitting output power (RFPHY/TRM/BV-01-C [Output power]) (I know that the Direct Test Mode (DTM) is the official way of testing BT, according BT SIG ?

    Q3: Can the CW be used to estimate the Carrier frequency offset (RFPHY/TRM/BV-06-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]) ?

    Q4:Can the CW be used to test the TX phase noise ?

    Q5: Is there other ways to test the phase noise than using a CW ?

    E.g. for clasic BT, EDR, the EVM test (2 or 3 MBit/s modulation characteristic) (RF/TRM/CA/BV-11-C [EDR Carrier Frequency Stability and Modulation Accuracy]) can perhaps be used (to some extend).

    BR Per
