How to program nRF6936?

Hello, that's my first post, I'm starting in the world of nordic and I want to know how to configurate it to program in VS code, I already do all the steps in the 3 first videos but I can't get that my laptop find the device from any of the apps of nRF Connect for Desktop (When I search from the Bluetooth interface of the laptop of course it appears and connect) and I can't upload a new program to my nordic nRF6936.

I'm using windows 10, 64bits, nRF Connect SDK v1.9.1, Toolchain Manager v0.10.3, nRF Connect for Desktop v3.11.0

In the serie of videos I saw, use nRF Connect SDK v1.6.1, that's the only difference

I don't know if it affects, thanks for your answers

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  • Hi,

    Abdiel94 said:
    where can I find an external debugger that include the P9 connector, or which do you recommend me?

    You can use a DK as debugger, for example nRF52 DK, or you can use a SEGGER J-Link debug probe. If you use a DK you need a 10-pin 2x5 1.27 mm cable to connect to P9 on the Thingy:52 and the debug output connector on the DK, for example this one. Under Thingy Hardware in Getting Started with the Thingy:52 and GCC/GDB you can see a picture of this set up, using nRF52 DK.

    Abdiel94 said:
    And another question, it's possible add extra sensors in P4 section of the thingy:52 ?

    Yes, P4 has extra GPIOs that you can connect things to, such as sensors. See Pin Header for more information.

    Best regards,

