PPK2 nRF Connect / Power Profiler App does not work

Hi @ll,

I wanted to test the PPK2 today but the nRFConnect Desktop App for Power Profiler does not work

This is want happens:
- PPK2 gets detected
- I select the PPK2

And that's it. The stuff on the left does not change

My System:
- Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (X11 not wayland)
- JLink 7.58b
- nRFConnect 3.11.1
- PPK App 3.4.3
https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/nrf-udev udev rules are applied

I also tried downgrading to nRFConnect 3.7 + 3.1.3 PPK App

The LED of the PPK2 is red once I turn it on, turns green for less than a second and stays solid red for the rest of the time.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Thank you in advance.


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