Please add/enable support for encrypted images with MCUBOOT

At the recommendation of my FAE, please consider this yet another request to add/enable support for encrypting images with the MCUBOOT. This feature is already supported in MCUBOOT

and this feature has been requested/discussed in several other threads

 NCS encrypted MCUboot images supported? 

 MCUboot ECIES encryption 

 Adding MCUBoot with encrypted images 

 How to create an encrypted/signed image 

 How to encrypt FW for MCUBOOT image update? 

As indicated in some of those threads this is a very important feature for many of us to protect IP contained in our images. Please consider adding/enabling this support as a high priority for the next release and let the community know if/when it will be available.


Parents Reply
  • This would be strongly requested, especially in the Matter context:

    The normal build process creates a "matter.ota" file. To encrypt an image and create the respective *.ota file, there are a lot of additional steps to be done which basically double the generation of the *.ota file. This doesn't seem to be a viable option in the long-term.

    It would be very beneficial adding the image encryption here, since this is relevant for products.
