On Linux update nRF9160DK interface MCU firmware steps?

Hello Devzone,

Working on my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS host, I recently lost ability to flash my nRF9160dk board.  The embedded J-Link is detected by its serial number, but an attempt to flash Nordic's at_client sample fails with the following log.log error messages:

[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] nrfjprog -e --log 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] nrfjprog version 10.15.2 external
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] Load library at /opt/nrf-command-line-tools/lib/libnrfjprogdll.so.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [ Client] - open
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [ Client] - start
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence a1b5c263-1935-4632-8319-4395ab2ddd1c.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [  JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [  nRFXX] - open
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [  nRFXX] - just_check_family
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at /opt/SEGGER/JLink/libjlinkarm.so.7.60.7.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 1 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.60.g loaded.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [  nRFXX] - enum_emu_con_info
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 120 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 120 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [  nRFXX] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-K22-NordicSemi compiled Dec  3 2021 15:46:55
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-K22-NordicSemi compiled Dec  3 2021 15:46:55
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Hardware: V1.00
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - S/N: 960048580
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - OEM: SEGGER
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 17.308ms returns "O.K."  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.171ms returns 0  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x00  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.697ms returns 0x00  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.089ms  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSN()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 960048580  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 100.062ms returns 0  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.751ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.636ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.667ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.706ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.641ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.597ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.584ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.509ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.587ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.734ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.715ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.781ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.721ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.677ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.580ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 454 milliseconds with result -102
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.559ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.642ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.544ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.576ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.544ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.593ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.517ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.524ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.530ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.513ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.527ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.503ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.602ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.506ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.006ms  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 454 milliseconds with result -102
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [  nRFXX] - close
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms returns FALSE  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.571ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.582ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.603ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.653ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.523ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.539ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.509ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.518ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.523ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.508ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.508ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.507ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.518ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.520ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.517ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.525ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.555ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.552ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.578ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.515ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.529ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.500ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.536ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.498ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.512ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.479ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.512ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.503ms returns -1  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Close()  
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed.
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [  nRFXX] - nRF family DLL closed
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 37 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 37 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 5 commands for 611 milliseconds
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 5 commands for 612 milliseconds
[2022-Jun-24 11:14:29] [debug] [ Client] - terminate

I am not sure what to make of "[SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".

An hour ago I performed a routine 'sudo apt update', which did not appear to touch anything related to JLink or nrfjprog.  That's the only significant work host change I can think happened today.  I see also that some nRF9160dk flash problems may be solved as in this Devzone ticket:

 RE: Suddenly getting error from nrfjprog on MacOS after `west update` in my Zephyr project: "JLinkARM DLL reported a problem" 

I tried using the nRF Connect Desktop programming application, to flash the dot bin firmware mentioned in the above ticket.  But Desktop Connect programmer only opens files of type .hex and .zip.  The interface MCU firmware is of type .bin.

Addendum:  nRF Desktop Connect Programmer application shows logging messages of its own.  Here is a snippet of these messages, where I first select the nRF9160DK board, then a physical Segger JLink programmer which programs correclty, then again the questionable nRF9160DK board.  The nRF Desktop app doesn't recognize the DK board as either a JLink device nor a Nordic USB device (first two lines, and last two lines here) :

11:27:48.085	Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.
11:27:48.085	Please make sure J-Link Software and nrf-udev are installed. See https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/pc-nrfconnect-launcher/#macos-and-linux

12:44:04.754	Using @nordicsemiconductor/nrf-device-lib-js to communicate with target via JLink
12:44:04.755	JLink OB firmware version J-Link V11 compiled Dec 9 2021 14:14:49
12:44:04.757	Device family NRF91
12:44:04.758	Device version NRF9160_xxAA_REV2
12:44:04.759	Board version Unknown
12:44:04.760	Loading readback protection status for Application core
12:44:05.288	Readback protection status: NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE
12:44:05.834	Modem detected
12:44:05.839	Parse memory regions for Application core
12:44:05.844	Device is loaded and ready for further operation

12:44:12.195	Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.
12:44:12.195	Please make sure J-Link Software and nrf-udev are installed. See https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/pc-nrfconnect-launcher/#macos-and-linux

Is there any additional clue here?  Is it possible I am working with a damaged nRF9160DK board?

In this situation is it recommended to update nRF9160DK interface MCU firmware?  How may I carry out this task at a Linux command line?


- Ted

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