Using both TWIM instances not work on certain pins


I noticed weird behaviour while using TWIM0 and TWIM1.

My setup is : 

  • nrf52dk 
  • NRF Connect SDK v1.8.0
  • SPI2 works with SDMMC driver to handle the sd card
  • TWIM1 handle the OLED SSD1306
  • TWIM0 handle the VL6180x

I am working directly on nrfx drivers.

I 've got TWIM1 instance configured on pins P0.27(SCL), P0.28(SDA). That instance works correctly, both lines are pulled high by internal pull-up resistors, and the whole communication with my external OLED works great. 

In my setup I have to use the TWIM0 instance also. That instance is configured on pins P0.31(SCL), P0.30(SDA) but in that case both lines are hold low at level of 20mV. 

I decided to simply change the TWIM0 pins to P0.03(SCL), P0.04(SDA). In that configuration lines are pulled high and the I2C communication works correctly.

I double checked the nrf52dk layout to check if P0.31 and P0.30 are used in another way by the board, but it seems that they are directly connected from the header to nrf52832 pads. 

I am aware of shared resources of peripheral instances but in that configuration it doesn't occur.

What am I missing ? 

What could cause that behaviour ? 

Thanks you in advance,

  • Hi pwpot,

    As Vasily points out it is recommended to use an overlay. In some cases it will not make any difference, however, it is easier to compare projects and debug if things are done the standard way. Section 1.4 in the Getting started with nRF Connect SDK tutorial, covers the use of overlays.

    Could you please post the file build/zephyr/zephyr.dts?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Håkon,

    What about having the custom pcb board with nrf52832 ? In that situation should I also use the dts file nrf52dk_nrf52832.dts ? and then make changes in overlay file ? 

    That is my zephyr.dts file : 

    / {
    	#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    	#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    	model = "Nordic nRF52 DK NRF52832";
    	compatible = "nordic,nrf52-dk-nrf52832";
    	chosen {
    		zephyr,entropy = &rng;
    		zephyr,flash-controller = &flash_controller;
    		zephyr,console = &uart0;
    		zephyr,shell-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &uart0;
    		zephyr,bt-mon-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,bt-c2h-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,sram = &sram0;
    		zephyr,flash = &flash0;
    		zephyr,code-partition = &slot0_partition;
    	aliases {
    	soc {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		compatible = "nordic,nRF52832-QFAA", "nordic,nRF52832", "nordic,nRF52", "simple-bus";
    		interrupt-parent = < &nvic >;
    		nvic: interrupt-controller@e000e100 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			compatible = "arm,v7m-nvic";
    			reg = < 0xe000e100 0xc00 >;
    			#interrupt-cells = < 0x2 >;
    			arm,num-irq-priority-bits = < 0x3 >;
    			phandle = < 0x1 >;
    		systick: timer@e000e010 {
    			compatible = "arm,armv7m-systick";
    			reg = < 0xe000e010 0x10 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    		ficr: ficr@10000000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-ficr";
    			reg = < 0x10000000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		uicr: uicr@10001000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-uicr";
    			reg = < 0x10001000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		sram0: memory@20000000 {
    			compatible = "mmio-sram";
    			reg = < 0x20000000 0x10000 >;
    		clock: clock@40000000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-clock";
    			reg = < 0x40000000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x0 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "CLOCK";
    		radio: radio@40001000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-radio";
    			reg = < 0x40001000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		uart0: uart@40002000 {
    			reg = < 0x40002000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x2 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "UART_0";
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
    			current-speed = < 0x1c200 >;
    			tx-pin = < 0x6 >;
    			rx-pin = < 0x8 >;
    			rts-pin = < 0x5 >;
    			cts-pin = < 0x7 >;
    		i2c0: i2c@40003000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40003000 0x1000 >;
    			clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x3 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "I2C_0";
    		spi0: spi@40003000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40003000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x3 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "SPI_0";
    		i2c1: i2c@40004000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40004000 0x1000 >;
    			clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x4 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "I2C_1";
    		spi1: spi@40004000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40004000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x4 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "SPI_1";
    		gpiote: gpiote@40006000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpiote";
    			reg = < 0x40006000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x6 0x5 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "GPIOTE_0";
    		adc: adc@40007000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-saadc";
    			reg = < 0x40007000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x7 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "ADC_0";
    			#io-channel-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		timer0: timer@40008000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x40008000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x8 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_0";
    		timer1: timer@40009000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x40009000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x9 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_1";
    		timer2: timer@4000a000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x4000a000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xa 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_2";
    			phandle = < 0x3 >;
    		rtc0: rtc@4000b000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    			reg = < 0x4000b000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x3 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xb 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "RTC_0";
    		temp: temp@4000c000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-temp";
    			reg = < 0x4000c000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xc 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "TEMP_0";
    		rng: random@4000d000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rng";
    			reg = < 0x4000d000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xd 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "RNG";
    		ecb: ecb@4000e000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-ecb";
    			reg = < 0x4000e000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xe 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "ECB";
    		wdt: wdt0: watchdog@40010000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-watchdog";
    			reg = < 0x40010000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x10 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "WDT";
    		rtc1: rtc@40011000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    			reg = < 0x40011000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x11 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "RTC_1";
    		qdec: qdec@40012000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-qdec";
    			reg = < 0x40012000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x12 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "QDEC";
    		egu0: egu@40014000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40014000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x14 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu1: egu@40015000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40015000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x15 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu2: egu@40016000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40016000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x16 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu3: egu@40017000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40017000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x17 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu4: egu@40018000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40018000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x18 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu5: egu@40019000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40019000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x19 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		timer3: timer@4001a000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x4001a000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1a 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_3";
    		timer4: timer@4001b000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x4001b000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1b 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_4";
    		pwm0: pwm@4001c000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    			reg = < 0x4001c000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1c 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PWM_0";
    			#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		pdm0: pdm@4001d000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pdm";
    			reg = < 0x4001d000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1d 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PDM_0";
    		flash_controller: flash-controller@4001e000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf52-flash-controller";
    			reg = < 0x4001e000 0x1000 >;
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "NRF_FLASH_DRV_NAME";
    			flash0: flash@0 {
    				compatible = "soc-nv-flash";
    				label = "NRF_FLASH";
    				erase-block-size = < 0x1000 >;
    				write-block-size = < 0x4 >;
    				reg = < 0x0 0x80000 >;
    				partitions {
    					compatible = "fixed-partitions";
    					#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    					#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    					boot_partition: partition@0 {
    						label = "mcuboot";
    						reg = < 0x0 0xc000 >;
    					slot0_partition: partition@c000 {
    						label = "image-0";
    						reg = < 0xc000 0x32000 >;
    					slot1_partition: partition@3e000 {
    						label = "image-1";
    						reg = < 0x3e000 0x32000 >;
    					scratch_partition: partition@70000 {
    						label = "image-scratch";
    						reg = < 0x70000 0xa000 >;
    					storage_partition: partition@7a000 {
    						label = "storage";
    						reg = < 0x7a000 0x6000 >;
    		pwm1: pwm@40021000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    			reg = < 0x40021000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x21 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PWM_1";
    			#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		pwm2: pwm@40022000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    			reg = < 0x40022000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x22 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PWM_2";
    			#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		spi2: spi@40023000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40023000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x23 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "SPI_2";
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-spi";
    			sck-pin = < 0x19 >;
    			mosi-pin = < 0x17 >;
    			miso-pin = < 0x18 >;
    			cs-gpios = < &gpio0 0x16 0x1 >;
    			sdhc0: sdhc@0 {
    				compatible = "zephyr,mmc-spi-slot";
    				reg = < 0x0 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				label = "SDHC0";
    				spi-max-frequency = < 0x16e3600 >;
    		rtc2: rtc@40024000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    			reg = < 0x40024000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x24 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "RTC_2";
    		i2s0: i2s@40025000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-i2s";
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40025000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x25 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "I2S_0";
    		gpio0: gpio@50000000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpio";
    			reg = < 0x50000000 0x1000 >;
    			#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
    			label = "GPIO_0";
    			status = "okay";
    			port = < 0x0 >;
    			phandle = < 0x2 >;
    	cpus {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    		cpu@0 {
    			device_type = "cpu";
    			compatible = "arm,cortex-m4f";
    			reg = < 0x0 >;
    			swo-ref-frequency = < 0x1e84800 >;
    	sw_pwm: sw-pwm {
    		compatible = "nordic,nrf-sw-pwm";
    		status = "disabled";
    		label = "SW_PWM";
    		generator = < &timer2 >;
    		channel-count = < 0x3 >;
    		clock-prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    		ppi-base = < 0x0 >;
    		gpiote-base = < 0x0 >;
    		#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;

  • Hi Håkon,

    What about having the custom pcb board with nrf52832 ? In that situation should I also use the dts file nrf52dk_nrf52832.dts ? and then make changes in overlay file ? 

    That is my zephyr.dts file : 

    / {
    	#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    	#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    	model = "Nordic nRF52 DK NRF52832";
    	compatible = "nordic,nrf52-dk-nrf52832";
    	chosen {
    		zephyr,entropy = &rng;
    		zephyr,flash-controller = &flash_controller;
    		zephyr,console = &uart0;
    		zephyr,shell-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &uart0;
    		zephyr,bt-mon-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,bt-c2h-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,sram = &sram0;
    		zephyr,flash = &flash0;
    		zephyr,code-partition = &slot0_partition;
    	aliases {
    	soc {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		compatible = "nordic,nRF52832-QFAA", "nordic,nRF52832", "nordic,nRF52", "simple-bus";
    		interrupt-parent = < &nvic >;
    		nvic: interrupt-controller@e000e100 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			compatible = "arm,v7m-nvic";
    			reg = < 0xe000e100 0xc00 >;
    			#interrupt-cells = < 0x2 >;
    			arm,num-irq-priority-bits = < 0x3 >;
    			phandle = < 0x1 >;
    		systick: timer@e000e010 {
    			compatible = "arm,armv7m-systick";
    			reg = < 0xe000e010 0x10 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    		ficr: ficr@10000000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-ficr";
    			reg = < 0x10000000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		uicr: uicr@10001000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-uicr";
    			reg = < 0x10001000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		sram0: memory@20000000 {
    			compatible = "mmio-sram";
    			reg = < 0x20000000 0x10000 >;
    		clock: clock@40000000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-clock";
    			reg = < 0x40000000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x0 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "CLOCK";
    		radio: radio@40001000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-radio";
    			reg = < 0x40001000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		uart0: uart@40002000 {
    			reg = < 0x40002000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x2 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "UART_0";
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
    			current-speed = < 0x1c200 >;
    			tx-pin = < 0x6 >;
    			rx-pin = < 0x8 >;
    			rts-pin = < 0x5 >;
    			cts-pin = < 0x7 >;
    		i2c0: i2c@40003000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40003000 0x1000 >;
    			clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x3 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "I2C_0";
    		spi0: spi@40003000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40003000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x3 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "SPI_0";
    		i2c1: i2c@40004000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40004000 0x1000 >;
    			clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x4 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "I2C_1";
    		spi1: spi@40004000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40004000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x4 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "SPI_1";
    		gpiote: gpiote@40006000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpiote";
    			reg = < 0x40006000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x6 0x5 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "GPIOTE_0";
    		adc: adc@40007000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-saadc";
    			reg = < 0x40007000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x7 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "ADC_0";
    			#io-channel-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		timer0: timer@40008000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x40008000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x8 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_0";
    		timer1: timer@40009000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x40009000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x9 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_1";
    		timer2: timer@4000a000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x4000a000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xa 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_2";
    			phandle = < 0x3 >;
    		rtc0: rtc@4000b000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    			reg = < 0x4000b000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x3 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xb 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "RTC_0";
    		temp: temp@4000c000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-temp";
    			reg = < 0x4000c000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xc 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "TEMP_0";
    		rng: random@4000d000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rng";
    			reg = < 0x4000d000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xd 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "RNG";
    		ecb: ecb@4000e000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-ecb";
    			reg = < 0x4000e000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xe 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "ECB";
    		wdt: wdt0: watchdog@40010000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-watchdog";
    			reg = < 0x40010000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x10 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "WDT";
    		rtc1: rtc@40011000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    			reg = < 0x40011000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x11 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "RTC_1";
    		qdec: qdec@40012000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-qdec";
    			reg = < 0x40012000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x12 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "QDEC";
    		egu0: egu@40014000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40014000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x14 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu1: egu@40015000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40015000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x15 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu2: egu@40016000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40016000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x16 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu3: egu@40017000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40017000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x17 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu4: egu@40018000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40018000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x18 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		egu5: egu@40019000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    			reg = < 0x40019000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x19 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		timer3: timer@4001a000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x4001a000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1a 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_3";
    		timer4: timer@4001b000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    			status = "okay";
    			reg = < 0x4001b000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1b 0x1 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			label = "TIMER_4";
    		pwm0: pwm@4001c000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    			reg = < 0x4001c000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1c 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PWM_0";
    			#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		pdm0: pdm@4001d000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pdm";
    			reg = < 0x4001d000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x1d 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PDM_0";
    		flash_controller: flash-controller@4001e000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf52-flash-controller";
    			reg = < 0x4001e000 0x1000 >;
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "NRF_FLASH_DRV_NAME";
    			flash0: flash@0 {
    				compatible = "soc-nv-flash";
    				label = "NRF_FLASH";
    				erase-block-size = < 0x1000 >;
    				write-block-size = < 0x4 >;
    				reg = < 0x0 0x80000 >;
    				partitions {
    					compatible = "fixed-partitions";
    					#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    					#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    					boot_partition: partition@0 {
    						label = "mcuboot";
    						reg = < 0x0 0xc000 >;
    					slot0_partition: partition@c000 {
    						label = "image-0";
    						reg = < 0xc000 0x32000 >;
    					slot1_partition: partition@3e000 {
    						label = "image-1";
    						reg = < 0x3e000 0x32000 >;
    					scratch_partition: partition@70000 {
    						label = "image-scratch";
    						reg = < 0x70000 0xa000 >;
    					storage_partition: partition@7a000 {
    						label = "storage";
    						reg = < 0x7a000 0x6000 >;
    		pwm1: pwm@40021000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    			reg = < 0x40021000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x21 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PWM_1";
    			#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		pwm2: pwm@40022000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    			reg = < 0x40022000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x22 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "PWM_2";
    			#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		spi2: spi@40023000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40023000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x23 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			label = "SPI_2";
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-spi";
    			sck-pin = < 0x19 >;
    			mosi-pin = < 0x17 >;
    			miso-pin = < 0x18 >;
    			cs-gpios = < &gpio0 0x16 0x1 >;
    			sdhc0: sdhc@0 {
    				compatible = "zephyr,mmc-spi-slot";
    				reg = < 0x0 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				label = "SDHC0";
    				spi-max-frequency = < 0x16e3600 >;
    		rtc2: rtc@40024000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    			reg = < 0x40024000 0x1000 >;
    			cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x24 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    			prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			label = "RTC_2";
    		i2s0: i2s@40025000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-i2s";
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    			reg = < 0x40025000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x25 0x1 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    			label = "I2S_0";
    		gpio0: gpio@50000000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpio";
    			reg = < 0x50000000 0x1000 >;
    			#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
    			label = "GPIO_0";
    			status = "okay";
    			port = < 0x0 >;
    			phandle = < 0x2 >;
    	cpus {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    		cpu@0 {
    			device_type = "cpu";
    			compatible = "arm,cortex-m4f";
    			reg = < 0x0 >;
    			swo-ref-frequency = < 0x1e84800 >;
    	sw_pwm: sw-pwm {
    		compatible = "nordic,nrf-sw-pwm";
    		status = "disabled";
    		label = "SW_PWM";
    		generator = < &timer2 >;
    		channel-count = < 0x3 >;
    		clock-prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    		ppi-base = < 0x0 >;
    		gpiote-base = < 0x0 >;
    		#pwm-cells = < 0x1 >;
