USB interface name string definition

Dear Nordic,

it's about USB implementation. We need to add interface string descriptor for ineterface name.
Using USBD_STRING_DESCR_DEFINE(primary) I've added that to string descriptor section, but it has index "0" - that's wrong (?) because it brakes basic string descriptor structure defined in usb_descriptor.c.
How we could setup defines/linker commands to add new USB strings after that ones in usb_descriptor.c?
Given example defines newly added string with index 0 (but it must be 4 - after manufacturer, product and serial num).

USBD_STRING_DESCR_DEFINE(primary) struct webusb_iface_descriptor webusb_string_descr = {
  /* webusb iface String Descriptor */
  .bLength = sizeof(struct webusb_iface_descriptor),
  .bDescriptorType = USB_DESC_STRING,
  .bString = WEBUSB_IFNAME,

void webusb_init()
  int idx = usb_get_str_descriptor_idx(&webusb_string_descr);
  if (idx != 0) {
    webusb_desc.if0.iInterface = idx;
