What does Unimplemented signal 54 , 50 etc. message mean.


Using nrf Connect SDK v1.9.1 
Zigbee nrf52840 -DK and Nordic Zigbee coordinator sample.

When in terminal sending command BDB START I get " I: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)" when network steering is finished..
I also get similar messages with sending some ZCL commands but with other "signal numbers" (signal: 50, status: 0)

In what file can I find these "signals" 54 , 50 described ?
Any suggestion what causes this and how to fix?

Thank you,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi, 

    Those messages shows up as Information message (Log_INF). They are triggered by a case in the signal handler function "void zboss_signal_handler(zb_bufid_t bufid)". I were not able to pinpoint the exact trigger for that message today, but the following files should give some more insight about specifically what cases triggers this information logging. I have also asked some of my colleagues if they know that specific trigger and will come back with a reply if I hear from them

    1. zigbee_app_utils.h located at <ncs_location>\v1.9.1\nrf\include\zigbee
    2. zigbee_app_utils.rts located at <ncs_location>\v1.9.1\nrf\doc\nrf\libraries\zigbee
    3. zigbee_app_utils.c located at <ncs_location>\v1.9.1\nrf\subsys\zigbee\lib\zigbee_app_utils

    Kind regards,

  • Thanks!

    I will take a look at these files and hopefully I can figure out why I get this message.
