Extract message from Mesh Chat example to custom use

I want to display the number in an Seven Segment Display, which was sent through BLE Mesh from Server
(nRF52840 DK) to a Client. I have successfully interfaced the Display with the Mesh chat program and to the Client.
But I don't know , how to get the number from the transmitted message, as it is in String format and also it shows the pointer of the message location.

static void handle_chat_private_message(struct bt_mesh_chat_cli *chat,
					struct bt_mesh_msg_ctx *ctx,
					const uint8_t *msg)
	/* Don't print own messages. */
	if (address_is_local(chat->model, ctx->addr)) {

	shell_print(chat_shell, "<0x%04X>: *you* %s", ctx->addr, msg);
	tm1637_set_number(lcd, number);//Have to place the number received from Server.

The above code is responsible for the display of transmitted message in Shell (PuTTY).
It points to the pointer of the message location. How can I get the original message from this line, which I can get to display it in the Seven Segment display.

After getting the message, I convert it to the integer format to display it in Seven Segment Display.

How can I extract the message and convert it to the integer number?

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