How to create a HCI vendor-specific command of zephyr?

I want to creat a hci vendor-specific command of zephyr using nRF connect SDK, based on hci_pwr_ctrl bluetooth sample. 

At first, I think just using follow steps in hci_vs.h, a new command is created.

#define BT_HCI_OP_VS_READ_TX_POWER_LEVEL        BT_OP(BT_OGF_VS, 0x000f)
struct bt_hci_cp_vs_read_tx_power_level {
	uint8_t  handle_type;
	uint16_t handle;
} __packed;

But when I try to change the OCF value of the opcode named BT_HCI_OP_VS_READ_TX_POWER_LEVEL and run hci_pwr_ctrl sample, it shows thai opcode status is still 0x01, which means the command is not completed. 

So, if I want to creat a hci vendor-specific command of zephyr, what steps are needed for it?

Thanks for your help!
