nrf52840 S140 Central DFU Bluetooth Zephyr 2.0.0 nrf52840 peripheral

We have nrf52840 S140 BLE Central device that currently connects to TI based sensors. I have implemented code that can upgrade those TI sensors' firmware using the TI BLE protocol.

Now we are developing our own BLE peripheral sensors also based on the nrf52840 but now using the newly supported Zephyr 2.0.0. RF connect stuff. I can update the sensors using the Nordic Android program (unauthenticated for now) and now need to implement upgrading BLE DFU using our central device which connects to a cellular gateway.

I do not want to reinvent the wheel, writing existing code, like I had to do with the TI sensors.

Could you point me to code that allows a Central device to update a peripheral device BLE DFU?

If not where can I look to reinvent another wheel?

Thanks David

  • I am using ncsv2.0.2 and not ncsv2.2.0 so I tried to upgrade the projects and as usual, have a million compile errors. I just wish Zephyr understood that "improvements" should be backwards compatible or have a compatibility layer.

    I thought I got the sensor (smp server end unit to be upgraded) to compile and run (not checking current consumption).

    In my central code (smp client), I could not get the img_mgmt_impl_write_image_data() & img_mgmt_impl_erase_slot() to link. I use them when updating the central itself by uart serial connection. I did not see any new CONFIG defines. I commented out this code.

    I tried to perform an upgrade and the first time it seemed to upload the image without error but

    the test function returned an error.

    02-05 07:21 05/02/2023 05:21:20 |  04/02/2023 19:20:59[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1249] DFU:374450/374648
    02-05 07:21 05/02/2023 05:21:20 |  04/02/2023 19:20:59[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1249] DFU:374550/374648
    02-05 07:21 05/02/2023 05:21:20 |  04/02/2023 19:20:59[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1692] ImageList
    02-05 07:21 05/02/2023 05:21:20 |  04/02/2023 19:20:59[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1695] ImageTest
    02-05 07:21 05/02/2023 05:21:20 |  04/02/2023 19:20:59[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_ble.c:2578] DFUConnectFinishedErr:11

    My error 11 is in the smp_list_rsp_proc() function when called by Test.

    		memcpy(images_key, value.value, value.len);
    		images_key[value.len] = '\0';
    		//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error,"Images key: %s",images_key);
    		ok = zcbor_list_start_decode(zsd);
    		if (!ok) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error,"Decoding error, start_decode images->list  (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    			ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_IMAGE_LIST;
    			goto smp_list_rsp_proc_end;

    The problem is also that I could not reproduce the upload success.

    When I run my v2.0.2 code setup and connect the debugged to the sensor, I get a hard fault.

     01/01/2004 00:03:11[ami_main.c: 142] Connected
    00> 01/01/2004 00:03:12[ami_main.c: 197] LE PHY updated: TX PHY LE 2M, RX PHY LE 2M
    00> [00:03:57.440,734] <err> bt_keys: Failed to save keys (err -2)
    00> 01/01/2004 00:03:12[ami_main.c: 258] Pairing completed:F5:62:56:E5:1A:0C (random), bonded:1
    00> 01/01/2004 00:03:12[ami_main.c: 226] Security changed: F5:62:56:E5:1A:0C (random) level:2
    00> 01/01/2004 00:03:17[ami_main.c: 174] Connection parameters updated.
    00>  interval: 40, latency: 0, timeout: 42
    00> 01/01/2004 00:03:21[ami_main.c: 174] Connection parameters updated.
    00>  interval: 9, latency: 0, timeout: 42
    00> [00:04:07.005,218] <inf> mcumgr_img_mgmt: Erased 0x6000 bytes of image slot
    00> [00:04:07.117,706] <inf> mcumgr_img_mgmt: Erased 0x1000 bytes of image slot trailer
    00> [00:04:07.117,736] <err> os: ***** BUS FAULT *****
    00> [00:04:07.117,736] <err> os:   Precise data bus error
    00> [00:04:07.117,767] <err> os:   BFAR Address: 0x2c6972cc
    00> [00:04:07.117,797] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x20017288  r1/a2:  0x00000df4  r2/a3:  0x0c680044
    00> [00:04:07.117,797] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x00000010 r12/ip:  0x00000046 r14/lr:  0x0004b2b9
    00> [00:04:07.117,828] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x01000000
    00> [00:04:07.117,828] <err> os: s[ 0]:  0x00000000  s[ 1]:  0x00000000  s[ 2]:  0x00000000  s[ 3]:  0x00000000
    00> [00:04:07.117,858] <err> os: s[ 4]:  0x00000000  s[ 5]:  0x00000000  s[ 6]:  0x00000000  s[ 7]:  0x00000000
    00> [00:04:07.117,889] <err> os: s[ 8]:  0x00000000  s[ 9]:  0x00000000  s[10]:  0x00000000  s[11]:  0x00000000
    00> [00:04:07.117,889] <err> os: s[12]:  0x00000000  s[13]:  0x00000000  s[14]:  0x00000000  s[15]:  0x00000000
    00> [00:04:07.117,919] <err> os: fpscr:  0x0004bb9f
    00> [00:04:07.117,919] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x0004b1f2
    00> [00:04:07.117,950] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
    00> [00:04:07.117,950] <err> os: Current thread: 0x200036a8 (sysworkq)
    00> [00:04:07.710,906] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system
    00> *** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.0.99-ncs1-1  ***

    Since I transfer the image serially from my cellular host to the central, I know the actual image size if that is what I am supposed to use.

    Thanks David

  • DavidKaplan said:
    I am using ncsv2.0.2 and not ncsv2.2.0

    I think it also works for me in 2.0.2, so for the record: I do not think you have to upgrade the version for this feature.¨

    I will help you make it work for v2.2.0 as well, though.

    DavidKaplan said:
    My error 11 is in the smp_list_rsp_proc() function when called by Test.

    Error 11 looks like ZCBOR_ERR_WRONG_VALUE.
    This is what the patch fixes, I think. Are you sure that the patch is still there after your update?

    DavidKaplan said:
    The problem is also that I could not reproduce the upload success.

    To check if I understand correctly:
    So it works the first time, but the upload fails if you already have an image in the secondary slot?

    Do you get the debugging error when uploading the first time?

    DavidKaplan said:
    Since I transfer the image serially from my cellular host to the central, I know the actual image size if that is what I am supposed to use.

    That would make sense to me.

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • I tried some things today with my v2.2.0 sensor and central code with the default bootloader keys.

    1) In smp_upload_rsp_proc(), I changed the 'rc' comparison line from

     if(!strncmp(value.value, "rc", 2)){
    			printk("Invalid data received (rc key). String '%.2s' is not equal to 'rc'\n", value.value);


            if(memcmp(value.value,"rc", 2)){
    			printk("Invalid data received (rc key). String '%.2s' is not equal to 'rc'\n", value.value);

    Evidently the way it was written was not correct as it says !strncmp(), so if it matched 'rc' it would return.

    I was previously 'rc' which gave an error, so I just used memcmp.

    2) In smp_list_rsp_proc(), I had to increase these array sizes as the retuned values exceed what was allocated.

    char version_key[16]; // ?!? len =7
     char version_value[16]; // ?!? len=5 was [5]

    3) I verified the zcbor_decode.c changes in C:\ncs\v2.2.0\modules\lib\zcbor\src.

     Do I need to update also the file in C:\ncs\v2.2.0\bootloader\mcuboot\boot\boot_serial\src?

    4) I uploaded a app_update.bin sensor file to my host's external flash and streamed it to the Central and on to the sensor. I was connected to the central by the debugger and its print outs showed the following which seemed OK but the image did not update. (DFUConnectFinishedErr:0 means OK).

    I upload,list and then test.

    07/02/2023 04:05:19[ami_local_pc.c: 152] Rx Op:B Len:21
    [ami_local_pc.c:1050] ImageDownloadFinished
    07/02/2023 04:05:19[ami_com.c:  89] MsgReply:a Len:10
    [ami_smp.c:1265] DFU:318800/319012
    [ami_smp.c:1455] SMP UploadOK
    [ami_smp.c:1736] ImageList
    -----------PRIMARY IMAGE-----------
          slot: 0
          version: 0.0.0
          hash: 0x5112e3513cac5b8cdf9935bda9d8342c7d226e1abdf9c38afbae28e37b1ec
          bootable: true
          pending: false
          confirmed: true
          active: true
          permanent: false
    -----------SECONDARY IMAGE-----------
          slot: 1
          version: 0.0.0
          hash: 0x158917e21a8a8eb83acf3c74988b1c72d207e7063865f589f4e88581146eeac
          bootable: true
          pending: false
          confirmed: false
          active: false
          permanent: false
    07/02/2023 04:05:20[ami_local_pc.c: 152] Rx Op:B Len:9
    07/02/2023 04:05:20[ami_com.c:  89] MsgReply:a Len:10
    [ami_smp.c:1739] ImageTest
    -----------PRIMARY IMAGE-----------
          slot: 0
          version: 0.0.0
          hash: 0x5112e3513cac5b8cdf9935bda9d8342c7d226e1abdf9c38afbae28e37b1ec
          bootable: true
          pending: false
          confirmed: true
          active: true
          permanent: false
    -----------SECONDARY IMAGE-----------
          slot: 1
          version: 0.0.0
          hash: 0x158917e21a8a8eb83acf3c74988b1c72d207e7063865f589f4e88581146eeac
          bootable: true
          pending: true
          confirmed: false
          active: false
          permanent: false
    [ami_smp.c:1742] ImageReset
    07/02/2023 04:05:22[ami_ble.c: 861] Disconnected: D4:FD:9F:BF:4A:27 (random) (reason 8)
    [ami_ble.c:2588] DFUConnectFinishedErr:0

    Is there a way for more debug info maybe on the sensor ?

    I moved the debugger to the central but maybe the debug output cleared when resetting.

    Thanks David

  • DavidKaplan said:
    I was previously 'rc' which gave an error, so I just used memcmp.


    DavidKaplan said:
    2) In smp_list_rsp_proc(), I had to increase these array sizes as the retuned values exceed what was allocated.

    Good to know

    DavidKaplan said:

    3) I verified the zcbor_decode.c changes in C:\ncs\v2.2.0\modules\lib\zcbor\src.

     Do I need to update also the file in C:\ncs\v2.2.0\bootloader\mcuboot\boot\boot_serial\src?

    Only zcbor_decode.c in modules\lib\zcbor\src needs to be changed, as far as I know.

    DavidKaplan said:
    Is there a way for more debug info maybe on the sensor ?

    My MCUboot SMP Sample feat Bluetooth Low Energy sample has logs from MCUboot:

    *** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs1 ***
    I: Starting bootloader
    I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
    I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
    I: Boot source: none
    I: Swap type: none
    I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0xc000
    *** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs1 ***
    Change this to see it change.

    Is this what you are looking for?

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • Our peripheral sensor has no uart interfaces, unlike the SDKs, and is in a waterproof container.

    I can maybe try to comment out the Central's SMP sensor reset command and see start up from the debugger.

    From the SMP test reply it looks like slot#1 is pending.

    I use the swap move define.


    ### ?!? 18-Dec-2022 Without this swap is used which limits upgrades 10000 / (150 / 4) ~ 267

    Can you think of any reason the new image is not swapped.

    I can also try to send SMP confirm instead of SMP test.

    Thanks David
