ncs 1.8.0 + NFC + OOB + nrf52833

Hi Team,

We are in process of developing pairing mechanism for our peripheral device. We are considering using NFC for OOB. Here is what we think we should be doing:

1. Use Mobile (NFC) to wake-up our peripheral device

2. Our peripheral device sends Key (unique per device) over NFC to our Mobile App

3. Our mobile app uses this "key + encryption" to pair with our device

Idea here is to restrict any other app to connect to our device.

We've few questions here:

1. Is this a viable option?

2. In above steps at Step-2, how do we send data from peripheral device to mobile app? 

3. Is there any example/blog around this?

4. Any other suggestions t this approach?


  • Thanks Torbjørn for getting back on this.

    Is there any other way we can restrict only our Mobile Application to pair with our peripheral then?

  • Hi 

    You could run some kind of proprietary 'challenge and response' step after you have connected, and have the peripheral disconnect if the mobile app doesn't provide the right response. 

    The mobile phone would still be allowed to start the pairing procedure, if you are not able to finish the proprietary authentication step first, but you could always delete the bond on the peripheral side after the authentication fails. 

    The question is how likely it is that the wrong phone tries to connect to your device?
    If you configure your advertise packet with a unique, proprietary 128-bit UUID, and don't use a local name or any standard 16-bit UUID's, then other phones would normally not attempt to connect to your device. 

    Best regards

  • Hi 

    You could run some kind of proprietary 'challenge and response' step after you have connected, and have the peripheral disconnect if the mobile app doesn't provide the right response. 

    The mobile phone would still be allowed to start the pairing procedure, if you are not able to finish the proprietary authentication step first, but you could always delete the bond on the peripheral side after the authentication fails. 

    The question is how likely it is that the wrong phone tries to connect to your device?
    If you configure your advertise packet with a unique, proprietary 128-bit UUID, and don't use a local name or any standard 16-bit UUID's, then other phones would normally not attempt to connect to your device. 

    Best regards

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