Selection of the custom board option is gone in vscode ncs 2.0.0

Hi All,

Today I am migrating my project from ncs 1.9.1 to ncs 2.0.0.   

The project was building find with ncs 1.9.1

But I do got this with rebuilding with ncs 2.0.0 (I did remove the build output directory to force a clean rebuild ;-)

I do use a custom board (based on nrf52840), however selection of the custom board option is gone - HELP!

Any idea / hint / tip how to fix this correctly.


  • Hi,

    The custom board option will only show up if you have one or more folders in board roots. Please go to settings > Workspace > Extensions > nRF Connect and make sure to set the path there:

    Note that this should be the path to the folder with the boards/ folder, so if you for example have C:/nordic/boards/arm/my_custom_board, then the path in board roots should be C:/nordic.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Marte,

    I have a BOARD_ROOT path see below the cmakelist.txt in the root of my application folder.

    # Include additional 'Zephyr' modules: custom-SDK
    # This board folder file is picked by the Zephyr build system
    # Include the expansion board definition
    set(SHIELD custom_eth_click)
    # Set custom dts root
    # find_package(Zephyr REQUIRED HINTS $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE})
    find_package(Zephyr HINTS $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE})
    project(blinky LANGUAGES C VERSION 1.2.3)
    configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/include/app_version.h)
    # Project-specific modules

    I have the feeling this information does not reach VScode upon build (or when i opening the project for the first time).
    I also have the nrf-connect-boardroots in the code-workspace
    	"editor.formatOnSave": true,
    	"nrf-connect.welcome.showOnStartup": true,
    	"folders": [
    			"name": "blinky",
    			"path": "."
    			"name": "custom_SDK",
    			"path": "${workspaceFolder}/../custom_SDK"
    			"name": "v1.9.1",
    			"path": "c:\\cm\\ncs\\v1.9.1"
    	"settings": {
    		"nrf-connect.applications": [
    		"nrf-connect.boardRoots": [
    		"nrf-connect.topdir": "c:\\cm\\ncs\\v1.9.1",
    		"nrf-connect.toolchain.path": "${nrf-connect.toolchain:1.9.1}"

    Any hint / tips / information is welcome.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    As I stated in my previous reply, you must set this in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension settings in VS Code. Please see the picture in my previous reply for where to set this. For more information, see Finding custom boards.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Marte,


    The application I am working on was created by another person with ncs 1.5.1 with SES.
    because NCS 2.0.0 is no longer working with SES some things are different when using VScode.
    So yes moving from SES to vscode means moving some settings from files to the proper location (in vscode) to drive the whole build system correctly. 
    I understand you reply

    Sorry to say my original post was not complete. I forgot to tell, I do have the buildroots also present within VScode nrf-connect (see my dump of the workspace) but still VScode acts weird upon opening the workspace.
    When I open the "edit board configuration" I always end up with one of the two scenario's:
    a) the custom board option is gone. 
    b) the selection dot is on "All boards" and not on custom board (but the custom board is  displayed in the textbox) 

    The expected scenario is having selected the bullet "custom boards" and the name displayed but I did not encounter that.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    nRF5xFanboy said:
    When I open the "edit board configuration" I always end up with one of the two scenario's:
    a) the custom board option is gone. 

    I am not able to reproduce this issue with a board root folder in the board roots setting in workspace. Are you opening the same workspace every time, with your board root set correctly in nrf-connect.boardRoots when you open the workspace? 

    Please generate support information in VS Code and upload it here next time you see this issue. Make sure to not make any changes to the workspace between seeing the issue and generating the information. You can generate support information by opening the command palette and writing nRF Connect: Generate support information.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    nRF5xFanboy said:
    When I open the "edit board configuration" I always end up with one of the two scenario's:
    a) the custom board option is gone. 

    I am not able to reproduce this issue with a board root folder in the board roots setting in workspace. Are you opening the same workspace every time, with your board root set correctly in nrf-connect.boardRoots when you open the workspace? 

    Please generate support information in VS Code and upload it here next time you see this issue. Make sure to not make any changes to the workspace between seeing the issue and generating the information. You can generate support information by opening the command palette and writing nRF Connect: Generate support information.

    Best regards,


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