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nRF52840 Dongle can't connect to Raspberry pi

I have plan to use Raspberry pi as a central device and my BLE nRF52840 Dongle as a peripheral device.

I am testing the peripheral with ble_app_hrs example. The dongle could connect to nRF connect mobile app successfully and displayed the Heart Rate and Battery services.

But the nRF52840 dongle can't connect to Raspberry pi.

The below is the process that I have followed.

Raspberry Pi can find the BLE nRF52840 Dongle which is FD:9F:1E:52:A2:60

Could you please advise me on  how to connect BLE nRF52840 Dongle  to Raspberry pi?

  • I am trying again to issue connect command ( [bluetooth]# connec FD:9F:1E:52:A2:60)  to the nRF52840 Dongle and I checked the sniffer log, it seems the command is sending out by raspberry pi

    this is the log for your review


    why nRF52840 Dongle doesn't send any respond to the connect command that had issued by Raspberry pi ?

    I also noticed that the source ( Raspberry pi ) is  Raspberr_42:a0:c9 which is strange MAC address, right ?

  • I am trying again to issue connect command ( [bluetooth]# connec FD:9F:1E:52:A2:60)  to the nRF52840 Dongle and I checked the sniffer log, it seems the command is sending out by raspberry pi

    this is the log for your review


    why nRF52840 Dongle doesn't send any respond to the connect command that had issued by Raspberry pi ?

    I also noticed that the source ( Raspberry pi ) is  Raspberr_42:a0:c9 which is strange MAC address, right ?
