Need to verify my FT2232H minimodule can be used for flashing and showing debug message via UART.


I need help to use FT2232H wit OpenOCD for flashing and showing debug messages from nRF52833 Dev Kit.


I need to distribute the debug environment to people in different areas. People will get the board with nRF52833 soon. Before people gets the board, I want to prepare the debug environment for them to use. The environment I decided is using FT2232H with OpenOCD since it has two channels(one can be SWD and the other one can be UART).

Preparing the debug environment:

Since I don't have the board yet, I'm trying to use test the tools with nRF52833 Dev Kit.

For now, I'm getting the error like below


$ sudo ./openocd -f interface/ftdi/minimodule-swd.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg


Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0

Licensed under GNU GPL v2

For bug reports, read

Info : FTDI SWD mode enabled


Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections

Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections

Info : clock speed 1000 kHz

Error: Error connecting DP: cannot read IDR


I'm using the "Deubg In"(P18), and use USB as power source(SW9), and nRF ONLY mode(SW6).

Anyone successfully connected external debugger to nRF DK ?

  • Hi,


    Disclaimer: we support segger based debuggers. I'll try to help to debug the connection itself, but any software related issues must be brought up with the openocd community.


    The nRF52833-DK must be on when in NRF ONLY mode, and you need to power it through USB, like you do. 

    Try measuring the voltage on the "VDD" of your kit, that should read approx. 3.0V.


    Assuming it is a one-to-one connection in your interconnect board, you have connected GND, RESET, SWDIO, and SWDCLK.

    It is very important that your external debugger is 3.0V compliant.


    Do you have another debugger to test your connection with (for instance, if you have two kits)? If yes, I would recommend trying this first to see if you're successful in connecting to the external board.


    Kind regards,

