Perform NRF52840 OTA over the NRF9160 and UART


I am developing a BLE - LTE sensor gateway using the NRF9160DK.

I have written code for OTA updating the 9160 chip over LTE, but I am not sure how to update the NRF52840 side. Both those chips are connected via UART so I am guessing performing an OTA over UART for BLE would be the best approach but I am not sure how to go about it. 

Are there sw examples for these? I read a few related tickets on DevZone but they weren't super clear, could you provide the right documentation to get me started as well? 

  • Hello Harshil,

    How to proceed with this depends a bit on what you want to do. 

    Both those chips are connected via UART so I am guessing performing an OTA over UART for BLE would be the best approach but I am not sure how to go about it. 

    Am I understanding you correctly, in that you want to do the DFU on the nRF52840 by getting the image from the 91 over UART? That is an understandable approach.

    Unfortunately I don't think we have any samples that demonstrate this. The few tickets you find on DevZone about it is essentially what is available, though it is theoretically possible. I believe there is work being done on getting some example for this available at some point though. I could ask around about this for you if you want me to, though in any case there is currently no sample nor any documentation about this.



  • Hello Harshil,

    How to proceed with this depends a bit on what you want to do. 

    Both those chips are connected via UART so I am guessing performing an OTA over UART for BLE would be the best approach but I am not sure how to go about it. 

    Am I understanding you correctly, in that you want to do the DFU on the nRF52840 by getting the image from the 91 over UART? That is an understandable approach.

    Unfortunately I don't think we have any samples that demonstrate this. The few tickets you find on DevZone about it is essentially what is available, though it is theoretically possible. I believe there is work being done on getting some example for this available at some point though. I could ask around about this for you if you want me to, though in any case there is currently no sample nor any documentation about this.



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