programmer with nrf52840 dongle don't work with Manjaro


I have problems to use nrf52840 dongle with Manjaro and nrf Programmer v3.0.3. Indeed, when I plug my dongle I have this view on programmer : 

So I see only the numbers "2" and "3" instead of the "Open DFU Bootloader" message and the serial number of my device. Moreover, when I try to read my device I have the "Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error"

My device is in Bootloader mode as I see the red led flashing.

I tested two different dongles, changed the USB port but I always have the same result. Moreover, it's always the same number shown in the "select device panel" even if I change the dongle. And if I connect 2 dongles at the same time, I see only one device connected.

I have a dual-boot with a windows 10 on my machine and I succeed to read and write my dongle on windows. So I think it's a problem with Manjaro.
Infos about my Manjaro version :

Manjaro Ruah : version 21.3.7

Has anyone had this problem before?

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  • Hello Michal,

    Thank you for your reply !

    I have already tried to click on the reset side button but it didn't work for me ... But as you suggested I try to restart programmer on the verbose mode and it enables me to find the problem ! Indeed, it was a problem of permission :

    I have a permission denied error on the /dev/ttyACM0 port.
    So I try to give me access with "sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0" and now I can read and write on my dongle !
    But I still have the wrong identifier of my device, just the "2" and "3" numbers. Have you the same result ?

    I have also to give me permission each time my dongle enters in Bootloader mode... What I don't understand is that I have nrf52840 DK and I had no problem to program them to the /dev/ttyACM0 port ... The problem occurs only with dongles

    Anyway, thank you so much for helping me to find a solution !
    Best regards,


  • Hello Maureen,

    Glad that we were able to find the error together.

    To get the access to the serial ports "properly" you should add your user to the uucp group instead of chmod-ing the ports.

    You can do it with the following command:

    sudo usermod -a -G uucp $USER

    I am not sure about the wrong identifiers unfortunately.

    As for why the issue is only happening with dongles, I guess that there may be a difference between communicating via J-Link and directly via a UART-USB adapter.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Michal !

    I add my user in the group thanks to your command and now it's work properly thanks !

    Best regards,

