I've made a custom board with an nRF51422. The nRF51 part follows the reference schematics almost identically. After overcoming some reflow issues this board seems communicate well with the programmer. It's unable to transmit running any of the demo code which I've been attributing to difficulty reflowing the ST Micro Balun, but when I step through debug it's halting on the
return_value = sd_softdevice_enable(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_250_PPM, softdevice_assert_callback);
Seems this indicates that maybe the clock source isn't present, but it is, and I've check continuity several times to the chip and it "appears" good. Is there any other reason this would halt here? Is there a way to run it off the main clock temporarily to check? Could this be the result of attempting to power the device and having shorted ANT1 and ANT2 together causing the transceiver to die?
Any help would be appreciated. Some background on my difficulties in case it helps located at the url on my blog.