GDB and VsCode (windows) not working after GDB version 8 forced upgrade to version 9

Hello.   I have a project that needs an update. 

The project was working before July 2022.

However, now it doesn't work anymore (VsCode run/debug doesnt work) anymore.

The debug console in VsCode states.

...Nordic\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\8 2019-q3-update\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe: warning: Couldn't determine a path for the index cache directory.
ERROR: GDB major version should be >= 9, yours is 8

I see a previous ticket which describes this, but not a response from Nordic that fixes this.   
Does a recent Nordic VsCode extension pack resolve this?  What is the preferred method to update tools so that this is working with arm-eabi-gdb tools?

GDB could not start as expected. Bad installation or version mismatch. See if you can start gdb from a shell prompt and check its version (Must be >= 9)

ERROR: GDB major version should be >= 9, yours is 8
I'm also getting "cortexm-debug extension message: 'WARNING: Cortex-Debug will deprecate use of GDB version 8. Please upgrade to version 9+'"

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