400 control modules
I'm starting a project. I need to reach a maximum of 200 meters. I work with PIC. I'll have to control 400 MODULE Transceive. Which model should I use. thank you.
400 control modules
I'm starting a project. I need to reach a maximum of 200 meters. I work with PIC. I'll have to control 400 MODULE Transceive. Which model should I use. thank you.
What you want isn't something we have any direct examples of, and it is not trivial to get working correctly.
With an nRF24L01+ or nRF51822 in 250 kbps mode, you may be able to get 200 m range in open space, but you should not expect a very robust link at this range. You could also consider using the nRF905 transceiver, which will have better range since it uses lower frequencies.
Having 400 nodes in your network will also require some clever network design, to make sure that devices doesn't send at the same time.
What you want isn't something we have any direct examples of, and it is not trivial to get working correctly.
With an nRF24L01+ or nRF51822 in 250 kbps mode, you may be able to get 200 m range in open space, but you should not expect a very robust link at this range. You could also consider using the nRF905 transceiver, which will have better range since it uses lower frequencies.
Having 400 nodes in your network will also require some clever network design, to make sure that devices doesn't send at the same time.