HardFault after GPIO PIN set to High on Custom Board


on my Custom Board I'am setting P0.12 to High triggered by a BLE notification (NUS). I'am here using the BLE Uart Example (S112, pca10040). The Custom Board's nrf52832 DCDC Pin is not connected

The Problem is, that on my Custom Board the System goes direct in the Hard Fault on the nrf52 DK not. Is there something in for P0.12 in use somewhere else?

P0.12 is bounded to an STM32 MCU's boot0 Pin with a external 10k pulldown.

if (p_evt->type == BLE_CTRL)

if (p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data[0]==0xFA)
{ // Bootloader Pattern1
nrf_gpio_pin_write(12, 1);
nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 0);
for (uint16_t ts=0;ts<4000;ts++){}
nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 1);


if (p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data[0]==0xFB)
{ // Reset
nrf_gpio_pin_write(12, 0);
nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 0);
for (uint16_t ts=0;ts<4000;ts++){}
nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 1);


  • The section for 0xFB works on both..custom and DK board

    The section for 0xFA not it goes to the hard fault direct after nrf_gpio_pin_write(12, 1) on the custom board. On the scope I can see, that the GPIO is set on high. It seems, that something else are triggered by setting P0.12 to high, but what and why is it different to the DK board, where P0.12 aren't in use.

    This is the init snipped for the GPIO's


  • Hello,

    I can't think of any obvious reasons for the hardfault based on the information given here. I also think it's strange that you only see it on your custom board but not on the DK.

    As a start, can you post a screenshot of the call stack window after the program has entered the fault handler. Alternatively, if you can enable the HardFault handling library and post the log output here.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    So the error is triggered in uart_event_handle, and the error code appears to be NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE.

    You can get the exact line number of where the error occurred if you build with the 'DEBUG' flag enabled.

  • Hi Vidar,

    it was triggered by the uart event handler

    void uart_event_handle(app_uart_evt_t * p_event)
        static uint8_t data_array[BLE_NUS_MAX_DATA_LEN];
        static uint8_t index = 0;
        uint32_t       err_code;
        switch (p_event->evt_type)
            case APP_UART_DATA_READY:
    							if ((((data_array[index - 2] == '\n') && (data_array[index - 1] == '\r')) ||
    									(index >= m_ble_nus_max_data_len)) || (index>0 && m_ctrl==1))
    								//if(index >0)
    								if((index >1) || (index>0 && m_ctrl==1))
    											//NRF_LOG_DEBUG("Ready to send data over BLE NUS");
    											//NRF_LOG_HEXDUMP_DEBUG(data_array, index);
    													uint16_t length = ((uint16_t)index);
    													err_code = ble_nus_data_send(&m_nus, data_array, &length, m_conn_handle);
    													if ((err_code != NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE) &&
    															(err_code != NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES) &&
    															(err_code != NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND))
    											} while (err_code == NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES);
    									index = 0;
            case APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR:

    Why this is happening, when I sent from BLE to the device? The UART shouldn't be involved here.

    static void nus_data_handler(ble_nus_evt_t * p_evt)
        if (p_evt->type == BLE_NUS_EVT_RX_DATA)
            uint32_t err_code;
    //        NRF_LOG_DEBUG("Received data from BLE NUS. Writing data on UART.");
    //        NRF_LOG_HEXDUMP_DEBUG(p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data, p_evt->params.rx_data.length);
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_evt->params.rx_data.length; i++)
                    err_code = app_uart_put(p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data[i]);
                    if ((err_code != NRF_SUCCESS) && (err_code != NRF_ERROR_BUSY))
                        //NRF_LOG_ERROR("Failed receiving NUS message. Error 0x%x. ", err_code);
                } while (err_code == NRF_ERROR_BUSY);
    //        if (p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data[p_evt->params.rx_data.length - 1] == '\r')
    //        {
    //          while (app_uart_put('\n') == NRF_ERROR_BUSY);
    //        }
    		if (p_evt->type == BLE_CTRL)
    			uint32_t err_code;
    			if (p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data[0]==0xFA)	
    			{ // Bootloader Pattern1
    		  	nrf_gpio_pin_write(12, 1);
    				for (uint16_t ts=0;ts<4000;ts++){} 
    				nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 0);
    				for (uint16_t ts=0;ts<4000;ts++){} 
    				nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 1);
    			if (p_evt->params.rx_data.p_data[0]==0xFB)	
    			{ // Reset
    				nrf_gpio_pin_write(12, 0);
    				for (uint16_t ts=0;ts<4000;ts++){} 
    				nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 0);
    				for (uint16_t ts=0;ts<4000;ts++){} 
    				nrf_gpio_pin_write(11, 1);

    The nrf_gpio_pin_write(12, 1); is raising the uart event handler.

    One important info, from 100 try's 1-2 times works. 

  • Hi,

    Do you see the same if you ignore UART communications errors by commenting the APP_ERROR_HANDLER() line in APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR?

  • Hi Vidar,

    it's not going into an error handler, and it works, but not sure why.

    The most strange thing is, why the uart_event_handle() is called, when I'm setting P0.12 within the nus_data_handler() this happens only with this PIN?

  • Hi,

    What is the pinout for your UART interface? There must be something that cause the UART to receive invalid data when you assert pin 12.

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