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Notification is not working

Hi, I have created two proprietary characteristics with notification property to notify some data's using these two characteristics when some event occurs. I can able to get the notification from one characteristics properly, but other characteristics is not giving the notification but i can able to read the updated value through read option in the master control panel. Suggest me to overcome this.

Regards, Balaji.

  • Hi Balaji,

    Have you make sure you set the CCCD for both characteristics to 1 ?

    You can find in many of our example we have 2 characteristics that have notify properties, such as HRM and battery level.

    Please upload your source code if issue remains.

  • Thanks for the reply Hung Bui, Yes i can see it, but, HRM and battery status are two different services, but in my case both the characteristics are in same services. Now i can able to get the notificaion properly, but need to findout the cause of the problem.

  • @Balaji: There should be no issue to implement 2 characteristics with notification in one service. Please make sure you call sd_ble_gatts_hvx() function with proper hvx_params.handle value for each characteristic. Attached is a very rough example that I modified the nRF UART example to have 2 looped TX characteristics. When you make a write on RX you will receive notifications on 2 TX.

    ble_app_uart - Looped - Copy.rar