Wake up trigger design


I developed low power device. I'm using external wake up timer the TPL5111. But this IC output not enough for my device wake up. So I decide add new component (N channel mosfet). Currently I don't know how to wake nrf with this mosfet. Here is the circuit I used that before use timer.

so my question is how to do trigged for n channel mosfet?

Parents Reply
  • What is the VDD voltage for the nRF52840?

    between 3V-3,7V

    Already TPL output voltage is no problem. But I want to trigger it using wake pin not VDD

    configure_gpio_wakeup(uint32_t pin_number, nrf_gpio_pin_sense_t sense)
    nrf_gpio_cfg_sense_set(pin_number, sense);

    If this is true, is this true too?

    configure_gpio_wakeup (11, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP);

    When I'm using this codes, why can't I trigger with TPL5111 output.  I'm waiting for help on this.
