with iOS 16 the connection during the update of the Firmware with IOS-DFU-Library not working. It is stop after few second with the error 202.
Do you know any solutions?
with iOS 16 the connection during the update of the Firmware with IOS-DFU-Library not working. It is stop after few second with the error 202.
Do you know any solutions?
What is the relevance of the iOS version? Did it use to work before you updated iOS 16? Also, could you try to do DFU with our iOS nRF connect app and see if it fails too?
What is the relevance of the iOS version? Did it use to work before you updated iOS 16? Also, could you try to do DFU with our iOS nRF connect app and see if it fails too?
Yes, the same app with IOS-DFU-Library run on iPhone with iOS 15 works, with iOS 16 after few seconds fail.
The '202' error indicates that the connection was lost. Could it be that your FW app is terminating the connection because the iOS device rejected your connection parameter update request as reported here: RE: Getting continuous disconnects with iOS 16 ?