VS Code Zephyr Blinky programming but not working (precomplied non Zephyr hex works)

Can someone help me with a Zephyr compiled blinky hex file please?

My Hardware is a loose standing module setup similar to NRF52833 DK. (same led_0)

NRF5 Sdk hex file works but when I follow the VS Code Startup video tutorial the device programs ok but the LED does not blink.

Only issue I saw in the terminal is attached.

What am I doing wrong? How do I fix the "boards subdirectory" issue?

Strongly starting to consider SES now but I prefer VS Code.

  • t the one created by VS cod


    I am using one of the templates and not a custom board file - see the image I sent. I made my hardware to have the LED on the same pin as the DK

    The reason I know it is the right pin I have the LED on (sorry to harp on about this) I already mentioned that the HEX file from NRF5 for the template board used flashes the LED. There is another issue building the file and NOT an issue with which pin its on.

    Please read more carefully and maybe this communication will be more smooth.

    You are welcome to view the board file for the template above. If you cannot find it let me know and I will post it here.

    I am using GPIO1 or P0.13

  • Hi,

    Sorry, I did not look close enough on your picture to see that it was an existing board in zephyr. I just tested myself by building the blinky sample for the same board (ubx_evkninab4_nrf52833) and flashing it to a nRF52833 DK, and LED 0 blinks as it should do. I also tested the zephyr.hex file you uploaded previously, and that also works as expected. So it seems like the issue might be with programming the application on the board. Have you tried programming the device using something other than VS Code? Please try with the Programmer app as you did with the nRF5 SDK hex file and see if that works.

    Best regards,

