VS Code Zephyr Blinky programming but not working (precomplied non Zephyr hex works)

Can someone help me with a Zephyr compiled blinky hex file please?

My Hardware is a loose standing module setup similar to NRF52833 DK. (same led_0)

NRF5 Sdk hex file works but when I follow the VS Code Startup video tutorial the device programs ok but the LED does not blink.

Only issue I saw in the terminal is attached.

What am I doing wrong? How do I fix the "boards subdirectory" issue?

Strongly starting to consider SES now but I prefer VS Code.

  • Hi,

    What do you have as your BOARD_ROOT directory? The board root directory need to contain a boards directory, so if you for example has your board files under ncs/boards/arm/my_custom_board, then BORD_ROOT will be ncs.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Marte

    Thanks kindly for the reply

    How do I check what it currently is? (Sorry newbie to VS Code with NRF Connect)

  • Hi,

    In VS Code go to Settings (Make sure you have selected Workspace settings at the top) > Extensions > nRF Connect, and you have a setting called Board Roots. Here you see an example where I have a board root directory C:\nordic:

    Which looks like this:

    ├── boards
    │   └── arm
    │       └── my_custom_board
    │             ├── custom_board.dts
    │             └── custom_board_defconfig
    │ └── ...

    This is only necessary for custom boards. Boards that are located under nrf/boards and zephyr/boards are automatically added.

    Best regards,


  • No errors now thanks.


    It seems that if I choose this board it forces the cmake argument (I removed the argument for BOARD_ROOT and after building it appears there again). I just added the correct main path and now builds without error/warning. I attached a screenshot for reference.

    However, I still have the same problem - the hex file \nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde\examples\peripheral\blinky\hex\blinky_pca10100e.hex programmed using NRF connect programmer flashes the LED but the one created by VS code does not.

    Does the device need to be programmed with something else first? Like adding a soft device at lower memory or something?

    I know I can build blinky apps correctly using VS Code - I successfully got the blinky app working on NRF5340 DK.

    Please help.

    I have attached my resulting hex file that doesnt work also.

  • Hi,

    What does your board file look like for your custom board? It might be that you are lacking some definitions for the LED there.

    Best regards,

