[Matter] Connecting Google home app

Hi all,

I am developing the door lock using matter. The SDK uses ncs2.1.0, nrf/samples/matter/lock, and I want to test the connection to google home app on Android phone.

Information of test equipment:

52840dk (End Device)

google nest hub (Border Router)

pixel 4xl + Google Home App (Matter controller)

I first tried the example of door lock, but it failed to bind successfully in the app. Then I tried nrf/samples/matter/light_bulb, and the test result showed that it could be bound by app, and it could also control the light on/off through app.

So why are the results different between the light_bulb sample and the lock sample? Has anyone else tried it?

Attach the failed print log.


  • Hi,

    Just to verify, did you do the sample testing with out of the box samples without modifications?

    And did you see the non-connecting behavior the Light switch sample as well? If you've not tested this yet, could you try this sample with your configuration? The switch and the lock are both openThread Sleepy End Devices, so they might share the same behavior, while the bulb is acting as a router. 

    And if you have a log for the functioning light bulb as well as the light switch after you've tried that, could you supply them as well?

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    Just to verify, did you do the sample testing with out of the box samples without modifications?

    And did you see the non-connecting behavior the Light switch sample as well? If you've not tested this yet, could you try this sample with your configuration? The switch and the lock are both openThread Sleepy End Devices, so they might share the same behavior, while the bulb is acting as a router. 

    And if you have a log for the functioning light bulb as well as the light switch after you've tried that, could you supply them as well?

    Kind regards,
