I'm trying to integrate MCUboot into my application, as immutable bootloader (CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y). Building succeeded, but after programming the board gets stuck at 'I: Jumping to the first image slot'. To verify I also tried the hello_world example, only enabling MCUboot in the .conf, this results in the same problem.
When I try to debug in VScode main is never reached and I'm unable to halt. When I try Ozone I can see that the board is stuck at address 0x000196C8 which is a branch instruction to itself (so a while(1) loop).
In partitions.yml in the build folder I can find the following:
tfm: address: 0x10200 end_address: 0x20200 inside: - mcuboot_primary_app placement: before: - app region: flash_primary size: 0x10000
Address 0x000196C8 is within this range, so I guess the board becomes stuck in TF-M. There is no output on UART1. I found another Q&A about this topic, where someone stated this is a known issue, but I cannot find a entry of this in the known issue list of NCS 2.1.0. What is going on here? Is it my custom board? How do I debug TF-M?
I'm using:
NCS 2.1.0
Hello world example
Custom board