Query - nRF5340 Audio DK - Configuration to Stream Multiple Stereo Audio


I have 3 nRF5340 Audio DK. With the steps mentioned in below links, I configured Json file to stream left/right audios and I'm able to achieve it.


How to stream stereo audio to 2 sink DK from a source DK?
How to do multi-streaming to 3 or more DK? (Usecase: I want to stream 4 separate audios at a same time to 4 separate sinks from a source)


  • Hello,

    How to stream stereo audio to 2 sink DK from a source DK?

    You can configure your gateway to connect to two headsets. The left and right channels of the stereo audio can be sent over one CIS. For the headsets to be able to decode stereo sound you need to configure the decoder setting.

    How to do multi-streaming to 3 or more DK? (Usecase: I want to stream 4 separate audios at a same time to 4 separate sinks from a source)

    There may be a limit of two ACL links in connected stream mode (CIS). I have asked internally for more information on this. I will get back to you when I know more.

    With four separate audios you would likely run out of processing power. The encoding needs a significant amount of the CPU, and as the encoder is a mono encoder, encoding stereo doubles the amount of processing power needed. For the current stage of our LE Audio implementation, the maximum number of channels which can be encoded at the same time is three or four. For four separate stereo audios you will unfortunately not have enough CPU power available on the nRF5340 Audio DK.

    Kind Regards,

  • The left and right channels of the stereo audio can be sent over one CIS

    I see Bluetooth SIG community mentioned max limit of CIS to be 31. Here does left and right channels contribute 2 CIS or they combine to form 1 CIS?
    How can I connect 3rd(2nd) CIS to 3rd headset(nrf5340 DK) from gateway(nrf5340) with new audio channel(not the left and right channels which is active in 1st CIS) 

    With nRF5340 user guide, I could only see that the configurations can be set to transmit same audio(left/right) to 'n' no of headsets(DK) using CIS. 
    My motive is to stream multiple audio tracks(2 diff song) through different channel to different DK,

    Thanks for your support

  • Hello,

    I am doing a little more research on this and will get back to you tomorrow.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind Regards,

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