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Hi everybody, i am working with a nrf51822 chip and i would like to use it only in slave mode. is it possible? and how can we do it? Thanks

  • Hello,

    with slave mode do you meen that the nrf51822 is the sensor and eg. a smartphone connect to the sensor to read/write some data? For that use case the S110 softdevice and the sample code are ready to go.

    Hint: If you are in test stage only then from LAIRD you get a certified Module with Basic Scripts....

    • At first to have an easy startup use a developent kit from NORDIC

    • The development kit contains the needed jtag debugger device to program and debug the chip

    • With the product code on the package on the website download the SDK

    • Download the free version from Keil uVision4

    • Install Nordic SDK (after installing Keil)

    • Use nRFgo Studio to flash the S110 Library to the chip

    • Open with KEIL the sample code from eg. ble\ble_app_hrs

    • Compile and flash the code with KEIL to the Chip

    • Download the Nordic App nRF Utility for iPhone or Samsung Galagy S3/S4 (and some else)

    • Connect from the App to the nordic chip

    • Now in the code check mail.c and ble__bas.c

    • in main.c see at "advertising_init()" this prepare structures to do advertising "advertising_start()" here the advertising ist started

    • the file ble_bas.c initializes a BTLE Battery service and the characteristic check ble_bas_init() here the BTLE service is prepared check battery_level_char_add() here the BTLE characteristics for the service is prepared check ble_bas_battery_level_update() here a new value of the characteristic is set (and send with notify)

    • If you need to write a value from the smartphone to the chip check the code ble\ble_app_hids_mouse where many characteristics are enabled to change the value

    • Check the File "ble_hids.c" .... service and the characteristics form the HID service¨

    • Check code lines where you find a write in it = 1; char_md.char_props.write_wo_resp = 1; char_md.char_props.write = 1; --> For every characteristic which must be write enabled you have to define that it can be written (with or without a respons back to the smartphone after write operation)

    • See the lines attr_md.read_perm = p_rep_ref_attr_md->read_perm; attr_md.write_perm = p_rep_ref_attr_md->write_perm;

    ---> You must also enable the right to write!!! eg. use following for your first tests: BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&attr_md.read_perm); BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&attr_md.write_perm);

    Best regards, Lukas

  • Hello,

    with slave mode do you meen that the nrf51822 is the sensor and eg. a smartphone connect to the sensor to read/write some data? For that use case the S110 softdevice and the sample code are ready to go.

    Hint: If you are in test stage only then from LAIRD you get a certified Module with Basic Scripts....

    • At first to have an easy startup use a developent kit from NORDIC

    • The development kit contains the needed jtag debugger device to program and debug the chip

    • With the product code on the package on the website download the SDK

    • Download the free version from Keil uVision4

    • Install Nordic SDK (after installing Keil)

    • Use nRFgo Studio to flash the S110 Library to the chip

    • Open with KEIL the sample code from eg. ble\ble_app_hrs

    • Compile and flash the code with KEIL to the Chip

    • Download the Nordic App nRF Utility for iPhone or Samsung Galagy S3/S4 (and some else)

    • Connect from the App to the nordic chip

    • Now in the code check mail.c and ble__bas.c

    • in main.c see at "advertising_init()" this prepare structures to do advertising "advertising_start()" here the advertising ist started

    • the file ble_bas.c initializes a BTLE Battery service and the characteristic check ble_bas_init() here the BTLE service is prepared check battery_level_char_add() here the BTLE characteristics for the service is prepared check ble_bas_battery_level_update() here a new value of the characteristic is set (and send with notify)

    • If you need to write a value from the smartphone to the chip check the code ble\ble_app_hids_mouse where many characteristics are enabled to change the value

    • Check the File "ble_hids.c" .... service and the characteristics form the HID service¨

    • Check code lines where you find a write in it = 1; char_md.char_props.write_wo_resp = 1; char_md.char_props.write = 1; --> For every characteristic which must be write enabled you have to define that it can be written (with or without a respons back to the smartphone after write operation)

    • See the lines attr_md.read_perm = p_rep_ref_attr_md->read_perm; attr_md.write_perm = p_rep_ref_attr_md->write_perm;

    ---> You must also enable the right to write!!! eg. use following for your first tests: BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&attr_md.read_perm); BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&attr_md.write_perm);

    Best regards, Lukas

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