NRF52840 won't receive from some TI CC2538 chips

I have two devices on TI CC2538 that having problems talking to the NRF52840 dongle.

  1. The channel is channel 11
  2. There are 8 devices using TI CC2538. Only two of them are having problems
  3. NRF52840 dongle ABSOLUTELY cannot see any packet from those two devices
  4. I tried three dongles. It is consistent.
  5. I doubted my own firmware. So I downloaded the NRF52840 sniffer and tried Wireshark. Same result! Those two devices disappeared in thin air from the dongle!
  6. TI CC2538 can see packets from all devices, regardless of TI or Nordic.
  7. TI CC2530 sniffer can see the packets from those two devices just fine.
  8. Signal strength is not a problem. I have readings of -63dBM and -70dBM from Hub and the devices are much closer to the NRF53840 dongle.

I can only think of some compatibility problem. I don't think it has anything to do with software at this point.

I have a feeling that this is serious and we need to find out why?

I can give you guys the devices for further analysis.

Parents Reply
  • Libertas said:
    The nRF52840 802.15.4 sniffer firmware, which is 4 years old, won't receive 802.15.4 packets from some devices. Is there any updated version of the firmware?

    Not that I know of. I have But I have asked the internal team to see if there are any unpublished updates on this but I have not received any answer yet. Most likely there are no updates to the sniffer tool you are using. There does not seems to be any active development ongoing on this sniffer tool.

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