Hi All!
I am trying to program the external nrf9160 SOC using nrf9160 DK using the following connections. Before that, I tried the same connections to program the nrf52820 SOC using nrf52833DK and was able to program it successfully!
Now I am following the same connections, I am using VS code studio to program the nrf9160 external SOC. Can you please help me to find the solution?
Now when I am programming the external nrf9160 SOC using nrf9160 DK. I am getting the following errors on vscode studio and the program failed to load.
I tried this link
Programming external board with nRF9160 DK
this link works perfectly for nrf52833DK for programming external nrf52820 SOC. But not with nrf9160DK to program the external nrf9160 SOC.
Thanks a lot for the help in advance!
Best Regards,
Muhammad Usman