Example code for fixed frequency for CE certification


For CE certification and to use BLE I require to set my custom board that uses a nrf52832 chip with onboard antenna to one or multiple Frequencies. From other posts I read that I should use the radio_test example or the direct_test_mode code in combination with the nRF connect for desktop program. My issue is that these examples use UART and when I flash this code on my custom board through my J-link I get stuck on the line NRF_BREAKPOINT_COND.

I am looking for an example that automatically transmits the set frequency after flashing without the need for UART. Is there such example?

Kind regards,

Parents Reply
  • Hello Kenneth,

    Thank you for the response, it helps a lot. The solutions you gave seem to help and I currently don't get stuck on the NRF_BREAKPOINT_COND line. I still have to test if my custom board is actually transmitting the set frequencies. 

    For instance to perform the ETSI tests you need to configure the radio in 2 modes (modulated tx and rx) and it needs to be performed on 3 channels (2, 40 and 80 (low, middle, and upper)). So in total 6 configurations are needed (I believe this is same for FCC and others).

    With the examples given I am able to change the channel by editing the .channel_start value. But it is unclear to me how I can set the modulated TX and RX modes.
