NFC transmits crucial data


I am now developing a product with NFC based on nrf52833.

I need to transmit some crucial data between device and phone, such as device settings.

But I have no idea of how to make the data transfer safe and hack-proof.

Can I implement encryption/decryption in NFC? And how to share the keys safely?

May I have your suggestions?

Thanks and regards,


  • Hi Daniel,

    Data is in the end just a stream of 0s and 1s.

    You can send custom data using NFC, for example as shown in our NCF Record Text sample.

    The NFC does not care about what this data is.
    Therefore you can transmit an encrypted package.

    Our devices support multiple different algorithms for decryption, that you can use for decrypting the package.
    It would look something like this, right?

    The first thing you need to decide is:

    Do you want to use Symmetric Encryption or Asymmetric Encryption?

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • Hi Daniel,

    Data is in the end just a stream of 0s and 1s.

    You can send custom data using NFC, for example as shown in our NCF Record Text sample.

    The NFC does not care about what this data is.
    Therefore you can transmit an encrypted package.

    Our devices support multiple different algorithms for decryption, that you can use for decrypting the package.
    It would look something like this, right?

    The first thing you need to decide is:

    Do you want to use Symmetric Encryption or Asymmetric Encryption?

    Sigurd Hellesvik
