How to use battery connecter to DCDC for nRF52810 based custom board

I'm using nRF52810 for my custom board, followed complete reference circuit for DC DC

I want to know if I want to power the chip with coin cell 3.3 V, Can connect it directly to the VDD (PIN 13)?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the reply.

    Could you please answer one more doubt?

    I used only a voltage regulator in my project so far, which takes input and outputs the regulated voltage.

    So I'm confused about how this internal DC-DC converter works, what I have read is DC-DC converter is efficient. So that's why I'm using it in this project which requires power consumption as optimal as possible. 

    As you said I can give direct input to VDD from Coin Cell, but what is the maximum input voltage it can take as input. If the coin cell is 4V or so, where do I get the output supply of 3.3V?
